I'm on The Dam. The Boomers fly over and bomb the Legion side of the dam - a beautiful sight, thrilling.
Then, the Vertibird swoops in and drops Enclave Remnants in full power armor, with miniguns.

(Cannibal Johnson and Orion Moreno.) Doc Henry is in a Space Suit, with Plasma.
So there's me in Remnant power armor; Boone in Tesla power armor; and these Remnants in full kit.
Let's go meet The Legion!

We approach the Legate's camp.
A guy runs out, wearing a Ballistic Fist - LoL, heheh...
I had to squint to see him (but Boone had already removed his brains).
We poke our heads in the gate...? Nobody!
Wait - three Legion guys come running, with their melee weapons, heheh...
You know where this is going! They fell quickly.
And that's it. THAT'S IT!?
No waves of legion defences... no defences at all!
No shooters with anything (ie. Rifle, Plasma Caster, Missles) watching the entrance from inside...
I want snipers with serious killer weaponry, trying to headshot me.
I want one in the head from a Brush Gun or Anti-Materiel rifle.
Nobody ever fired a rocket at me - not in this entire game...
It was a joke. We went up the stairs single-file (5 of us, plus Securitrons) and told the Legate to go back home.
Whatta waste!
I have all these guns, and skills, and fancy ammo, and training, and equipment...
Didn't use a single stimpack the whole time.
So I'm asking - why was the Legate's Camp completely undefended!?
We had been told the entire Legion was massing at the dam, LoL...
I could have sent Veronica and Cass, and just stayed in my suite.
Big huge disappointment would be an understatement...