» Sat May 28, 2011 10:23 am
Straight from the mouth of Todd Howard:
"To do that this time, we knew, like before, we had to start over. We needed to reinvent large parts of the game and its technology. We started with the graphics renderer, and how we would bring the scale of snow covered mountains, dynamic weather systems, and massive dragons to life along with the small details of how people lived; from the forks they used, to the fish they caught, and the meat they cooked. We then rewrote all the major graphics and gameplay systems including lighting, shadows, level of detail, animation, interface, scripting, dialogue, quest systems, melee, magic, and more. All of those changes made it into our internal editor as well. So much had changed that we decided to call the engine and editor by a new name, the Creation Engine and the Creation Kit. We can't wait to see what all the brilliant mod makers do with these tools."
As far as animations are concerned, Bethesda is making use of Havok Behavior, which allows for much more realistic and believable animations that you see in the new official trailer.
Another thing to be aware of in regards to the Creation Engine is that all screen shots and even the trailer itself was fully rendered on the Xbox 360. Just think about how great Skyrim will look in its final build with high quality textures, AA, etc for PC.