Game Freezes Even Worse After Total Restart

Post » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:33 am

I had a game with over 200 hours, I did all four add ons with each one done meticulously, but I got the GRA add on too late, even though it says if you kill the Van Graffs that the Gun Runners will sell those guns, not true at all. So heairng how amazing these other guns that I cant get are I restart my game!! my old game would freeze about every 2-4 hours, this game, every 30 mins, sometimes worse. What the heck could be making a difference?>

Im so sick of all these issues, I really dont want to have to start the game over, I got about 15 hours into this new one, and i refuse to start again. It takes a long time as we know to get far in this game, again my last game that i was almost done with i had around 200 hours, prob 220.

Sp any idea's?

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