So, at first the game didn't start at all, but I went through Steam's work around and changed both the .InI file so that it could handle multiple processors and I changed the .exe file, as stated on the Steam Support web site. I downloaded the thing that I've seen some of you post a link to that changes how much GB the game uses (Though frankly I wouldn't be surprised I did that wrong, so I'm still not ruling it out)
I run on Windows 7, and what occurs is the game will let me start it, it'll let me play the new game. It'll go the whole way through the first opening video, but then at the birthing scene I will see a black screen, hear the heart monitor, then hear the sounds of what I assume are me being taken out of my mother... and then the heart monitor continues for a bit and the whole game freezes. The screen itself does not change once, all I hear are sounds.
I run the game on vanilla. Can anyone help me, please?