Game Freezes Upon Entry to Houses

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:14 pm

Ive researched this problem to the best of my abilities, and have yet to find a solution. As far as the game goes, i didnt really have any issues up until i tried to enter Silvers house. When i tried to enter the game froze, so i ctrl alt deleted and restarted, then had no problem. played some more, then picked up the grayditch fire ant quest, and now for the life of me i cannot enter any of the houses. It acts like its going to load then the screen simply stays black. every time, no changing. ive tried several things, but im at a loss as my computer know- how for this type of thing is limited. any help would be appreciated. and again, these arent random freezes, theyre specifically when i enter an enclosed space like a house or a shop. Thanks for the help!

i forgot to mention, i havent altered any factory settings to my rig, and havent found a game yet that i couldnt run on ultra video settings.
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Craig Martin
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