Game is freezing

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:23 pm

Randomly the game will freeze and I cannot close the game client. I have to completely restart my computer to fix it.

I checked task manager last time it happened and Fallout 4 was stuck at 3,200 MB and said it was not responding. I cannot close the window or exit out of Fallout 4 game client, I also cannot go into other windows even though it looks like the game window is minimized. I even tried to close and exit out of steam and it just gave me and error saying to close Fallout 4 first.

Comp spec:

i5 4590 cpu

z97-a mobo

r9 380 gpu

16gb ram

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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:39 am

Hi Kyle,
Yup - it's happening to lots of rigs.
Recommend you reduce settings (select a modest preset, like Medium) and turn off AA, to achieve a high framerate ie. 60 FPS minimum.
Hopefully that will keep it together temporarily, until a new game patch appears, and some new vidcard drivers too.
Don't worry - things will improve!
This is not, ahem, unusual with brand-new massive Beth games...
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Big mike
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