Game is full of hackers, Crytek is doing nothing about it.

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:07 am

Roughly every 5 minutes I'm running into a hacker. Either one who's obviously auto-aiming, or killing people with their very first bullet 100% of the time, or running around in permanent cloak and shooting through it, or one-hit melee'ling people, or having infinite ammo/magazines, the list goes on.
I thought after the recent patches we would see a decline, but all I have seen is an EXPONENTIAL increase in the number of hackers. Now there is one logging into every server every few minutes.
The number of simple easy-to-use hacks for this game has MULTIPLIED out of control and reporting the hackers is resulting in absolutely nothing, I have reported countless hackers and they are still there logging in every now and then.
People are too stupid to figure out how to use the vote-kick feature and/or simply can't read english so it's come down to learning how to live with the hackers or leaving the game.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:52 am

DDD host a few servers and are usually hacker free
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Isabella X
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:45 am

Xuvial if you know soo much about the "simple easy-to-use hacks"
could you please name, explain or describe them?
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Liv Staff
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:41 pm

Lol this nubnut was just playing with me.And was constantly calling me hacker and initiating votekick against me.He even managed to convince some of his other teammates that i was hacking.See dude i am playing this game since it was launched.And i am obviously more skilled than you.So plz for God sake don't cry hack hack if you are getting pawned by a good player.And obvious hackers are very easy to detect.That is if you know the difference between legit player and hacker.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:42 am

That is if you know the difference between legit player and hacker.

Happens on every game, platform etc.

If you're good, you'll usually get the name tag. However, maybe the OP actually did come across some hackers. (Not directly you)
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:58 am

I do wonder, it takes me 1 - 3 punches to kill someone, and i always die in one, sometimes 2. (I usually start punching IN armor mode!) or not, if playing classic. I also get accused of "cheating" randomly, it starts out as compliments till u start getting kicked......
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:11 am

Xuvial does seem to be a pretty good player, odd to see them crying hacker. I've seen a large decrease in the number of hackers (compared to game release). You can't just assume everyone that beats you is a hacker. If I have the right person in mind, i've seen people calling you a hacker, when I believe you are playing legitly, because they can't believe a marshall can 1 hit people and when the servers are super laggy it looks in the kill cam like they aren't being hit.

Kill cam when server is laggy is highly innaccurate. Quite frankly I've seen kill cams from Xuvial that looked like a 1 hit melee'd me, but I know that with lag + hit correction, you would have scored a shotgun hit. Some of the Aussie servers seriously go **** when they reach 18 players at the moment, its terrible. You see this badly when you watch the kill cam and ZERO of their bullets appear to hit lol, which indicates massive lag.

There is a lag bug that occurs where people shoot and don't destealth, however this usually only happens once to a person, if its constant then they are hacking. The servers are actually very good at kicking persistant stealth at least. Infinite magazines?? Theres ammo lying around literally everywhere lol, infinite clip can be spotted if they are constantly shooting and never reload. There is also 'apparently' a glitch with side pack that occasionally gives people infinite secondary mode ammo. I saw one dude abusing the glitch, but I haven't tested it yet.

I seriously doubt you have reported countless actual hackers, I don't doubt at all that you have come across actual hackers, I do doubt that one is joining every five minutes. I've only ever seen Cooldudsubho play legitly, if you are convinced he was cheating you may need read up more on the game mechanics.

RE: Edgar.
In standard mode, it takes 1 hit on someone in stealth, 2 hits on someone in power mode, 3 hits on someone in armour. Though I very rarely get a 1 hit kill meleeing someone in stealth due to lag.

When the server is laggy you sometimes don't see their bullets hitting, but due to hit correction it does. Eg they come up close fire some bullets which hit you on their screen, and then melee but on the kill cam it appears the bullets miss and you got 1 hit melee killed. If they are 1 hitting you cleanly without firing any bullets and you are otherwise full health and in armour mode with full energy, then theres an issue.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:52 am

I completely agree with buisnessEvolution.After playing this game for so long i can confidently say that this game has some serious latency issues.And does a very bad job of balancing high and low latency.Often i have come face to face with certain players where my bullets hardly seem to hit them.While on the other hand, they kill me like butter with like 2 shot from scar.When this happens i generally leave the server and rejoin.Most of the time it fixes the issue.And similarly i also have got that latency advantage in some game.Where i can see it takes lots of bullet to kill me while i kill them easily but that also have to do with my habit of shooting near head.But still it happens.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:06 am

Some of the Aussie servers give me heartburn with their poling lag. I usually go to play in soviet russia or the UK where my ping is much higher but the servers seem better.

Lagline is the worst on any server.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:46 am

What hackers? Play on official servers...
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:58 am

What hackers? Play on official servers...

There are indeed some cheaters about... however not as many as the beginning. I dare say far fewer.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:15 am

....but what is it about official servers that supposedly makes hackers less likely? Fear of officialness?
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:43 am

It is very easy to know who is cheating watch the videos on youtube.

There are many people with skills that might be confused.

I'm almost always in DDD.
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Joey Bel
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