I would say that the graphics are horrendous, they don't even compare to Mass Effect and Dragon age graphics. For example, when you are wandering the wasteland these poorly executed details just speak for themselves. This was O.K. for Fallout 3 but not New Vegas.
I honestly think fallout 3/N.V. Are pieces of art. Some things look sketchy at times but, what game doesn't?
Mass effect 1 was great but a sad excuse for an RPG, Mass effect 2 was beautiful but every mission was the exact same thing... Go here kill them and leave the exact same way you entered... Your spaceship. Weapons were a poor excuse for customization and same with your armor. IMO mass effect 2 only cared about graphics and cinemas.
Dragon age was the biggest disappointment bioware put out if your going off of graphics alone... Look at a npc's beard during a conversation. Notice how it looks like it was layered using smackdown vs. Raw's char. Editor from their first release on ps2?