I noticed the information in the game guide is virtually non-existent and the story looks like a draft of a draft of a sketch. Can we hope it will be updated for the launch?
I noticed the information in the game guide is virtually non-existent and the story looks like a draft of a draft of a sketch. Can we hope it will be updated for the launch?
No story, mh?
No game guide you say?
Try google, pal. It's your friend.
Uh, what community sites and development news have to do with the official "Game Guide" section on the official web-site, which I'm addressing?
On the wiki page you linked there are two tiny paragraphs on the story. Is that it? I seriously hope not.
I just wanted to inform you that there is much more story and lore behind Elder Scrolls than what you can read at ESO homepage.
For the game guide, there will be more at launch, although when you log in it's all intuitive and self-explanatory.
The first 50 results of googling "eso story" didn't bring out anything beyond what's already in the wiki. And I don't mean TES story in general, I mean the story behind this particular game, TES Online. The background setting, for people interested in lore. The game guide section has the Story link, great, but it's so scant. If there's a gamesas official somewhere lurking here, it'd be good to hear that the story page will be updated, that's all.
Great! Where did this explosion come from? Mages died is cool, what about other people? The constellation grew big, and what does that mean? How is it affecting the story? Too few details, that's why I say it's a draft of a draft.
Please give more info to people interested in lore.