» Fri May 13, 2011 9:54 am
Nice to get a more detailed update, but sheesh... GI's writing and designer quotes continue to seem incredibly uninspired.
" 'It is... cool. You can do this, sort of shout stuff... and... it allows you to be powerful.' Bethesda have ensured that some players will enjoy the game's very deep lore, if they like that sort of thing, maybe, also the game is impressive, there are dragon shouts and things. "
I guess it'd be too much to ask for any of their writers to actually be passionate about and invested in fantasy worlds, or you know, be Elder Scrolls fans.
[/unreasonable criticism]
Reading between the lines, this sounds like a great gameplay system. The collectible nature of the words and powers appeals to me a lot. I just hope it doesn't overshadow the more fundamental aspects of character progression, as it's inherently plot- and main quest-specific and is more akin to the PC progressions of more linear RPGs (where the main quest defines the protagonist's abilities). Then again, we can no doubt ignore the Shouts altogether -- or integrate them into our own roleplay differently than intended -- if we want, so I really can't fault the system.