The wiriting is not convoluted.... It seems fairly straightforward... :confused:
I thought utilizing a full vocabulary would be a good thing... :shrug:
Perhaps people would rather have a writer do something more along the lines of
I'd rather the writer understand what he's writing about, is all. What the hell are "ancestral draconic powers"? I know what he's trying to say because I know just about all there is to know about Skyrim right now, but this first line is just a lazy and reductive, and doesn't actually convey an understanding of Skyrim's premise; and yet this first line is clearly meant for people who are not so knowledgeable about Skyrim. Being a student of writing, I can tell he came up with that first line because he had no clue how to start.
Admittedly, I'm making a bigger deal out of this than it merits in itself. It's just that, as a writer looking for a writing job, I often find it quite frustrating when I read amateur work that operates under the guise of expertise.