Elves live for so long they can afford to make wicked intricate armor.
And after going through all of the trouble of getting glass in the TES universe, I'd hope they at least spent some time on making it look nice. Haha. Volcanoes and all that, if I remember correctly about where it comes from. Elven and Glass armor is supposed to be like you go through a huge ancient ruin and happen upon a chest that's been hidden in the shadows behind a pillar during daytime: "By the Nine Divines...GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!!"
And then your adventuring buddies circle around and gasp.
They're supposed to be rare and only found in tombs and ruins in Oblivion Times. The fact that it's been 200 years later means they're probably even rarer, and given that Elves weren't exactly welcome in Skyrim for a long time, Elven armor would be that much rarer. And Glass armor is probably only from Morrowind, so you're talkin' more elves there too.
I agree, it's elven and glass armor after all. As long as it's really rare, not like in Oblivion where everyone has it if their level is high enough. I'll be worried if common armor looks like that. I don't remember why I reacted that way
