Game keeps crashing everytime i pass novac

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:21 pm

Hey I got new vegas and first playthrough my game kept crashing past Nipton on my way to Novac. The game would freeze and I would have to restart my consol. I thought it might have been a problem with my save, so I tried another save, however the problem occured again. No matter how I tried to get to Novac, the game kept crashing well before I got anywhere near there. I thought it may be a fault with my disk, so I got a new one. I then tried a new save and yet again I encountered the game crashing. I then thought it may be a problem with my Playstation. I tried other games in it and had no problems with it; I tried getting a software update and none of this has helped solve the problem. I am keen to play the game, but I am losing motivation since I feel that I have tried everthing. Up until the point when I am on my way to Novac there was no problems with how the game was playing. I got the game from, so I wouldn't expect, where I got the game to be a issue.
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