Roads should have been made more clear, but it would have been better, if the map was like oblivion's, It really adds immersion having a map like that rather than some satellite in the sky.
I personally think it's awesome to have Dragon-Age Google Maps (pun intended), and while it doesn't show roads as clearly as it should have been (blocked by freaking clouds and mountains), once you actually get rid of the clouds and zoom in (via Skyrim.ini tweaks),
it actually shows every road as it should. The roads start exactly at the same area as in the real world, and ends exactly at the same area as in he real world, and where there is no road, there is simply no road
But yeah, that's AFTER tweak, before that I'm sorry for console players, as I'm really annoyed by the clouds as well.
It also makes my life harder by not showing things where it should. I had a hard time locating Northwatch keep because once I try to zoom in (more like, changing my angle) it switches from being at the top of a hill to at the base of a hill. I almost ragequit with the map, really.