Clearly 250+ hours played still makes me a 'casual' as much of the OP's argument sounded pretty incomprehensible
to be honest...
Clearly 250+ hours played still makes me a 'casual' as much of the OP's argument sounded pretty incomprehensible
to be honest...
So many people ignoring what, imo, is the most important part of the OP
You can look at it any way you want to, but in the end it's just poorly done, lazy work. It would have been somewhat acceptable if this was limited to a couple of perks or NPCs but it's not. OP mentions some of the inconsistencies/omissions/mistakes but there are many more to be found. Seriously just stop defending sloppiness. I bet if any of your co-workers, or employees delivered a piece of work that was as haphazard as this you wouldn't let them hear the end of it.
Well as many have already said - "it's a game". I know a little something about guns in real life (mostly handguns not a lot of experience with long guns yet) I have been a licensed gun carrier for more than 20 years now. And I have shot and trained with a LOT of guns over the years. One thing in Fallout 4 that is totally over the top UNREALISTIC is the "picking a part to shoot" options. In Real Life pro-gun people (Law Enforcement, Body Guards, Mercs, etc). are all universally taught that if you bring out lethal force (any firearm IS lethal force) you aim for Center Mass....and that is ALL you aim for. Hitting a moving target is DIFFICULT at best! You aim for the largest area on the body and that is typically center-chest area on most humans. Also in the court system in the US you would be ripped to shreds if you used a firearm and aimed for the leg. They would say you shouldn't have used a deadly weapon if you didn't think the perp was a deadly threat. Shooting to wound is the biggest load of Hollywood BS that was ever [censored] out.
But I'm OK with the way it is.....Its a GAME -not a real shooting simulator.
Ignoring the rate of fire for the weapons does not encourage anyone to trust the OPs "changes" to weapon damage. Shouldn't you at least appear to understand how the damage system in the game works before you try to change it?
Now if all these changes are just for the OPs personal desire to be a demi-god, it's perfectly fine, but complaining about how you think certain weapons are "broken" without considering the RoF of said weapons brings into question your qualifications for "balancing" anything in the game.
most ppl that complain about the game balance dont understand game design they just like to QQ bc isnt what they want.
dude after reading every post from u, let me tell u, u have 0 idea on how make a decent game lol. Im glad that ppl like u just play game and dont go close to make game, if not the industries will be over.