So, this is not the theme song I'm talking about, I do not really have that strong feelings for or against it. I'm talking the music that always follows you around as you are playing the game. I have never really liked the way the games get a movie-like score that plays constantly throughout the game, so I have always turned down the music volume as I play (always found it really strange to have a symphony orchestra follow me around in the woods!). It's not only battle music I'm talking here, that already has been discussed, but I would actually like for all in-game music to either be completely gone or reduced in some way.
My ideal sound image would be if there was no music at all in the game (except for maybe some really low and infrequent notes, a motif of some sort played once in a while), unless there was an excuse to put some "real-life" music in it, like if you walked into a tavern a quartet would play woodwinds, or a minstrel would play the lute or something. Would be nice to fill the void in woods and caves with some more ambient sounds like wind in the trees, streams, critters etc.
It has always really ruined immersion for me to have the cinematic score follow me around all the time, don't get me wrong, I like what they do with the main themes, I just think it's really unrealistic and far to movie-wannabe for a roleplaying game to have it going constantly. So I'd just like to hear if I am the only one who feels this way, or others would appreciate a more minimalistic and more acoustically inspired use of music in the lack of better formulation