Game orientation is backwardswrong

Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:00 pm

I have a Lenovo tablet which I've used successfully with Fallout Shelter for a few days, and after getting a round of update patches (not sure if it was only the Lenovo itself or if a fallout shelter patch was included, it patches all at once), I'm experiencing a strange orientation problem that makes the game unplayable.

Instead of being aligned for horizontal (IE I hold it like a widescreen TV) |___|, it's displaying for if I was holding it longwise...the menu is cut off and the landscape on the menu screen is on both top and bottom. However, the BUTTONS are there (invisibly) as if it was still being displayed horizontally. Tried restarting the tablet several times, did nothing.

It is a Lenovo A5500-F, android version 4.4.2, kernal version 3.4.67

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