:fallout: Need I say more, Fallout 3 tried it and failed badly.
Its the dlc Broken Steal that messed it up. The build up right before going in the chamber was that if you went in you'd die. You had a moral choice, send someone else in for them to die so you could live (the cowards/umprepared way), send in someone else who could survive the radiation but not do it yourself (the logical choice), or go in yourself and be the hero...finishing your parents work and in doing so creating fresh water for the people.
Fallout 3 first failed in that everyone's game ended. Obviously wasn't going to go over to well, but at least the story was left open for you to make up in your head what happened. The DLC made things worce in that now everyone lives. Now I have to quick turn off my system in order to go "na-na-na can't hear you" so I can at least pretend my character died. Totally throws the moral delema out the window when the ending no matter what you choose ends with everyone living.
Just thought I'd let you know that it's for this reason I find Mass Effect's endings the most memorable. Options are fine, but forcefully killing off your character in a sandbox game actually diminishes gameplay. If I have all of these quests to finish and areas to explore and things to do then why the hell would I finish the main quest? It's not a feature to be included in tes games.
I agree. Epic endings are epic. But leave it optional at best.
But that's exactly what I'm saying. Have it an option. I love the fact that you can continue just like everyone else, but it would be a fitting end to quite a few of my characters.
well if you didnt need to go back to hold them off and die why would you? does really make sense but i guess if you'd like to be unrealistic its your choice
besides bethesda surely wont make an option to end it im sure, they'll probably be busy working out other things, and polishing everything which is more important to them than making a few more people happy
You may know what happens and there is no need but the character you're playing as doesn't. For the character this is all happening right now. Sure Martin may not really need time to get ready, but it wouldn't be hard to believe maybe he does if you choose one dialoge path. Maybe he uses the time to make sure he's ready to die, and when Martin just rushes out to meet Dagon he doesn't get the time to really think over things.
Who knows what he uses that extra time for. The fact is that the character you're playing as gets the choice and the game bends a little to accomidate for that.
As for if they add such a thing, I know very well they probably won't. People also keep asking for spears, knowing full well they're not in. :shrug: I know its not going to happen, but I still am going to ask for it.
I'm not sure how if it would be a tiny little fix, but I see your point-- so long as it's optional either way. Of course, I would never do it, but there are surely many things I would never/have never done in TES games that thousands of others have. Thanks for responding-- I was genuinely curious! (And Boone-- classic! lol)
Well, tiny in comparison. It would only be a few more lines of dialog and having the ending cut scene know to start after the player dies instead of it just reloading to the last save.
I've actually played as a lot of character's who have a lot in common with Boone. They have their own feel, something I enjoy from time to time when I get sick of the happy go lucky theif or the crazy killer or the holy knight. Just used Boone as an example because I figure more people will recognize that name isntead of my Osul character from Oblivion.
Anyway, its not like I wan't everyone to have to stop playing after the main quest along with me. I just don't want to have to continue on after the main quest along with everyone else. Options are always a good thing in a sandbox rpg.