Game Rebalancing Mods

Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:51 pm

One thing people seem to forget is that unique items (and also in a similar way Glass + Ebony) are in effect priceless and naturally no one would actually be able to pay for them. Being able to sell them is really an instant break of the economy.

. . .

Something else I was going to address in another mod was quest rewards. Take for example a balmora quest where you kill someone for house hlaalu. Not only do you get a ton of repair items and a dwemer axe, but you also get 1000 septims as a reward! That's a lot of cash considering all the loot you get too.

The seyda neen tax quest is also similar, you can get a lot of septims which makes no sense really being the starting area for the player. It would be better if the player gained disposition, and perhaps some additional service for being "good", while players who don't hand in the money don't get this service.

Both points make sense to me. I really like the idea of rebalancing quest rewards and giving disposition bonuses instead, though I think a retooling of the economy could reduce the problem substantially. What I mean is, if we use a NoM-based economy, modifying service and other prices accordingly, that's basically a rather significant inflation that renders, say, 500 or 1,000 gold a much less serious matter. But, were we to come up with a worthy rebalancing mod, I would likely also use a quest reward rebalancing mod as well.

well, there are some unbalanced [. . . ] quest rewards. it's stupid to get more than a few DFs for any kind of critter killing, unless the said critters are at least a bit dangerous. and i'm not talking about them being dangerous to lvl 50 omnigod of death&destruction, but to a commoner who's sending you on the quest in the first place. but killing a man should be rewarded with a few hundred DFs. i mean, WE all know that most of the game is about killing thing, preferably of the sentient nature, but an average MW commoner would still think that our character has some ethical code or conscience, and would like to reward handsomely the ultimate act of violation that changes every man irrevocably. at least that's how i see it.

as for the priceless items, i partially agree. consider that rembrandt is also priceless but purchasable. if i'm a filthy rich hlaalu master (the richest house), or a greatly respected redoran knight (who protects the realm and faith) or a semi-crazy semi-divine telvanni magister (nuff said), than i want those armours available either as a reward, or as a purchasable equipment. [ . . . ] they should only be available at the three district seats, and only at the best smith in each.

Very good point on quest rewards for killing. Again, though, I think inflation will handle this somewhat.

On priceless items, those are good points as well, though I would amend PirateLord's statement of the case to be that no one can ordinarily afford to buy priceless items. Really, the selling of a priceless item is a storyline in itself, if treated correctly. Sure, it can happen among high nobility and so forth, but it's special, and I think that it might still be unbalancing for a game with no other serious routine drains except enchanting.

well, i'm not sure even i'd be a fan of DF economy... it would be realistic, if that's what you like, but would it be fun and relaxing? hmmmmm...

I should add that "fun and relaxing" is not the only appeal that such a mod is supposed to have. I might add "engaging, interesting and immersive." Casual players who just want diversion and relaxation are less likely to find what they want in any of these rebalancing mods.

But quibbles about player-preferred goals aside, I don't really think that it would create some big difference of qualitative feel. If it's enjoyable to do it for 50 drakes, it is likely to be just so to do it for 30, or 100, as the case may be, even if something that cost 10 before now costs 30 or 40.

In the end, it merges into the rest of the game and is just part of the environment. All the headache and drag is at the modding level, I think. As for any added challenge, though -- again, NoM is a great reference point; if you like NoM, you are likely to like realism enhancers. But, whatever else the case, I really don't see how this will be so noticeable as to be a drag -- and certainly no more of a drag than NoM is.

Well I for one am I big fan of it. Love the concept. NoM as a base is simply awesome.


This like State Based HP, Leveled Magicka and Magicak Regen are a few I use.

As well as a few of my own, one that changes the spell names and effects to something similar to Oblivions (go on, groan) and a monster rebalancing mod, both of which I'm testing.

Working on my game balancing mods guide, I can't help but notice that everyone releasing their own rebalancing mods for this and that is creating a rather difficult mess to sort through and get working together. It's sort of a crowded field. This, really, is one of the most difficult areas to get down in a playable game, particularly for a non-modder. And creature rebalancing mods are going to run into a LOT of potential conflicts, most of them benign and mergeable, but some will mesh poorly in the objects merge. I for one think collaborative "cathedral" projects are more the way to go at this point, as one-person rebalancing mods are often likely to either get crowded out by another or to end up crowding out others.

I'm still working on figuring out how the different major creature mods interact when run together -- PL's Creatures (which I always use -- cheers PL!), Noonan's MW Advanced, and about six or seven others.

[ . . . ]

For the 2nd I have an idea. For compatability a new canton (or buildings on the land) at Vivec is added. Think of this as a dedicated traders district. It has 4 rare goods sellers, one for each house, and one for the player if they are high world rep. These sellers then have a lot of gold and a few items, but they will only trade with the player if they are part of the faction, and also highly ranked/rep'd.
Chuck in some guard houses, a small dock, perhaps a travel service to Ebonheart and it would look good. The various traders in each houses cantons can have their goods reviewed, so they have fairly good expensive but affordable gear, and then check around the world to ensure no small hamlet is selling ebony armour (for example).

I might do this in a next version of PTE, high level players can then sell their gear for full money, but not new starting players.

I like it.

[ . . . ]

Yeah, I don't know, Morrowind does not have that broken of an economy.
I value the opinions of others, really, I do, but it makes no sense that Morrowind's economy is broken.
Could someone explain why they think it is?
Uh, what? Money is not easy to obtain. It takes a lot of work to sell enough to get a lot of money. now, maybe you think 5000 dollars for selling things to everyone in Balmora is broken, but I dare say it's not.

Sorry, but saying it's broken without giving a detailed way to prove it doesn't help you much. :)

Besides, Enchantment is way too expensive to be abused easily. Now, maybe if you did the silly trick where you got 3000 intelligence, etc, then yes, Enchanting is broken, but, lol, wut, it's way too expensive...

And also, how do you get money in Morrowind, seriously? Rob a vault, sell junk to people?
If you think using Creeper for 5000 gold every day is considered broken, I must laugh. THat's too time consuming to be broken.

I always love introductions like that.

I find Asdf hits the nail on the head fairly well, personally.

I remember from my days of actually playing and not working on this or that, a distinct feeling that gold in the game became ridiculously easy to come by, but no, not in HUGE amounts. It is just that you always had several objects on you that could buy up the town, and if you somehow misplaced them, you could get more like them in an hour or two of playing. Run over to a shrine. Daedric this, Daedric that. Gary Noonan's MW Advanced attempted to put a clamp on that a bit. But everywhere you look are loot-reducing mods.

One of the problems is an age-old problem endemic to classic-style RPGs. You've almost always got some sort of monty haul dynamic to keep it interesting for players (after all, who wants to keep finding things they already have, wooden cups and 25 silver pieces in each chest?). Of course, then the players march into the Town Surrounding The Inn with a pile of loot that the local economy can't possibly absorb, and that even might challenge the city. What then? Well, in the end, the gamemaster is advised that massive influctions of value into an economy make the economy inflate. So, suddenly, a night at the inn costs 400 gp for such distinguished visitors, and breakfast is 150.

Morrowind can't do this (not at the level of services and goods offered the player). And so the player comes to an impasse with it.

But, again, this is a mostly impressionistic, anecdotal argument (and most will be). And, furthermore, there are many, many different mod layouts used that have significant affects on it, even if they don't specifically aim to do so.

But all that aside, in the end, David, if it works for you, it works for you, and no amount of prodding will enable those who find differently to prove it to you to your satisfaction in the face of your own experience. If you find that a limited money supply is a workable and enjoyable counterbalance to what many consider a grossly-excessive high-value loot supply combined with very low, and often inconsistent, prices for services (again, aside from enchanting), then, of course, you don't need a rebalancing.

At this point, I'm not so interesting in proving that the economy is broken than in finding ways to systematically address it in a comprehensive and community-based way for those who do indeed find it that way and/or who want something more, it is to be hoped, believable and engaging.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:17 pm

I'm still working on figuring out how the different major creature mods interact when run together -- PL's Creatures (which I always use -- cheers PL!), Noonan's MW Advanced, and about six or seven others.

I'm going to stay out of the debate on economy, but I'd love to see an FCOMish balance of creature mods (and of course mods that adds enemy NPC's as well). The difference in challenge between vanilla opponents and ones added by mods can be immersion breaking in itself. dev_akm & Co. has done an admirable job balancing the major creature/enemy NPC mods for Oblivion resulting in a coherent gameworld.

EDIT: To answer the OP, I'm not using any economy/item balancing mods. No reason, really, except that I've never gotten around to it - so I guess not very high on my priority list. Might delve into it for my next char.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:41 pm

But all that aside, in the end, David, if it works for you, it works for you, and no amount of prodding will enable those who find differently to prove it to you to your satisfaction in the face of your own experience. If you find that a limited money supply is a workable and enjoyable counterbalance to what many consider a grossly-excessive high-value loot supply combined with very low, and often inconsistent, prices for services (again, aside from enchanting), then, of course, you don't need a rebalancing.

Small thing though, I can be convinced, but I have yet to see proof. :)
I suppose you're right though. What do you mean about introductions though?
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:57 pm

Small thing though, I can be convinced, but I have yet to see proof. :)
I suppose you're right though. What do you mean about introductions though?

This one:

I value the opinions of others, really, I do, but [. . . ]

When I see things like that, I think, 'uh oh..." and brace myself for what's coming. :cryvaultboy:


To be clear, though, I don't mean to imply that you are unreasonable or anything like that. (Sorry, if it came across that way. :foodndrink: )

Just that this is not purely mathematical, lending itself to proof, and depends upon expectations, impressions and so forth. The argument has been testimonially substantiated by many, but, of course, not in a way sufficient to be conclusive, and particularly not in a way that will convince those whose personal experience with the game leads them to a totally opposite conclusion. We could argue the point to try and isolate what are the really important positive (as opposed to normative) factors necessary to give a more conclusive evaluation of it, but that's another discussion. :shrug:
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:10 am

Part of the problem in discussions on Elder Scrolls games economies is that players love to throw generalities around as though they were facts. Hence we have statements like: "Morrowind has one of the most broken economies that I can think of in any game." There are as many different ways to play an Elder Scrolls game as there are players. Morrowind's economy is "broken" for some; it is not "broken" for others. Money may indeed be so easy to obtain that it begs "the question why anybody in the world would be a merchant or a trader since all that you really need to do is raid a few shrines" for some but certainly not for others. Categorical statements like these do not help clarify the issue for anybody. They only polarize, inevitably prompting someone to challenge them because, like the clock whose hands have stopped, categorical statements are always wrong part of the time.

My suggestion is this: Gluby should proceed with his project and anyone with intelligent suggestions as to how best to proceed should offer them. Those who want to argue over whether Morrowind's economy is "broken" should go elsewhere.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:55 pm

I'm going to stay out of the debate on economy, but I'd love to see an FCOMish balance of creature mods (and of course mods that adds enemy NPC's as well). The difference in challenge between vanilla opponents and ones added by mods can be immersion breaking in itself. dev_akm & Co. has done an admirable job balancing the major creature/enemy NPC mods for Oblivion resulting in a coherent gameworld.

EDIT: To answer the OP, I'm not using any economy/item balancing mods. No reason, really, except that I've never gotten around to it - so I guess not very high on my priority list. Might delve into it for my next char.

Damn, I hate it when this happens. I just know everyone but me knows this, but what's FCOM? :embarrass:

Me too. I don't know how PirateLord, Wormgod/Gary Noonan, and other modders feel, but I would just flip over in my chair, oh, like maybe six times, for a mod that got them all together into one balanced mod, perhaps with three variants available for different difficulty levels. I would simply go bonkers with joy.

(Either that, or an expansion/patch for your Creatures X (or XI?), PL, that balanced or somehow incorporated MWA into a harmonious coexistence with it. I'm not sure about GN's permissions and all that, or if he is reachable, but it would be a great thing. If you want to do that, or something like it, I *will* be willing to help, if you want.)

Thanks for the feedback on the OP. :)
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:50 am

"The Greatest Story Ever Told in CRPGs: "I killed everything in the game - even the trees - and went through their pockets. And I'm still not dead! Woo-hoo!"
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marie breen
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:15 am

Forgive the long poll I just added. Just trying to get a sense of how everyone fits it all together.

EDIT: Oh, and much thanks to everyone who answers it.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:30 am

Forgive the long poll I just added. Just trying to get a sense of how everyone fits it all together.

EDIT: Oh, and much thanks to everyone who answers it.

It seems that one can't answer only one part of a two part poll.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:31 am

people who think that the economy is broken should not bother people who do not think so by trying to persuade them that it is.

people who do not think that the economy is broken should not bother people who do think so by trying to persuade them that it isn't.

if you don't think it is, just don't join the discussion about how exactly it is broken. simple as that. and besides, this is only a poll about balancing mods, not a discussion about some kind of rule changes that you'll be forced to apply to your game.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:58 am

It seems that one can't answer only one part of a two part poll.

Oops! Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:10 pm

Damn, I hate it when this happens. I just know everyone but me knows this, but what's FCOM? :embarrass:

Oblivion has several major overhauls that are incompatible and (=Francesco + WarCry + Oscuro + Martigen) is a mod that makes them play nice together. The downside so to speak is that it has taken a lot of work and lots of time (more than a year of beta-testing to fine tune balance issues etc.) to achieve.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:07 am

Just want to say in your Poll, remove PirateLord's Economy-Trade Fix v1.5, it's obsolete as the esps where combined together to make PTE as there was things I wanted to do that required info from both esps.
If anyone is using both, then they shouldn't, just use PTE.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:26 pm

Just want to say in your Poll, remove PirateLord's Economy-Trade Fix v1.5, it's obsolete as the esps where combined together to make PTE as there was things I wanted to do that required info from both esps.
If anyone is using both, then they shouldn't, just use PTE.


On the debates about whether or not the economy is broken -- go easy, tigers! To be fair, the topic does invite the discussion somewhat, and we civilly concluded that it's best for another thread/discussion. No reason to get upset.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:25 am

The debate doesn't even need to happen anyways.

People who don't think its broken, don't download mod/comment on mod/ talk about how its not needed. Simple as that.
People who think it is, same thing, download mod/make mod/talk about mod in its own thread but don't convince people its broken that don't care.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:45 pm

Almost forgot about this one I think I remember trying it out years ago, but I honestly don't remember much. I know this isn't terribly helpful, but I can at least raise attention to it.
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maya papps
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:44 pm

Not currently using any rebalancing mods - normally I really like economy mods - but I have other games that specialize in that area.

The cost of enchanting always bothered me as something unrealistic - given the huge number of enchanted items in game which must of cost all of Tamriel to enchant in the first place - why they are left lying unsecured in crates always bemuses me

Mods which sell clothes for thousands of gold always bother me - who could afford them? I either change the prices or make my own mods out of the resources.

I understand the economy is weird in MW but don't know what I really want in order to change it - my gameplay normally involves sticking my nose in every tomb, cave, room whatever and collecting what I can to sell later so I can afford some modders clothes which are priced in the thousands of gold range - sigh

I'd love an updated banking mod to be made - where you get to make an account at character generation and I could cope with a guild/house taxation program that donates money to the orphans or someother charity

Most of the time I end up with overload loot bags - too much junk and then I need to load house mods to find a place to store it all in

So am not against economy mods just haven't found one that fits me yet
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:19 am

Oblivion has several major overhauls that are incompatible and FCOM Convergence (=Francesco + WarCry + Oscuro + Martigen) is a mod that makes them play nice together. The downside so to speak is that it has taken a lot of work and lots of time (more than a year of beta-testing to fine tune balance issues etc.) to achieve.

It sounds like a fine thing. I definitely think that sort of integration would be a great bon on this side of things.

Almost forgot about this one I think I remember trying it out years ago, but I honestly don't remember much. I know this isn't terribly helpful, but I can at least raise attention to it.

Interesting. In my searches, I never ran across this one. Sounds very interesting, though I wouldn't trust a game rebalancing mod released in May 2002. However, it may be a good mine for ideas.

Not currently using any rebalancing mods - normally I really like economy mods - but I have other games that specialize in that area.

[. . . snip . . .]

Mods which sell clothes for thousands of gold always bother me - who could afford them? I either change the prices or make my own mods out of the resources.

[ . . . snip . . . ]

So am not against economy mods just haven't found one that fits me yet

Thanks for the feedback, Illuminiel.

Most players probably overcome modded-item overpricing with the in-game cash register (the console), but that kills the enjoyment, at least for me. Incidentally, that's another incidental good result that could come of increasing prices and values across the board -- it would actually make pricey item mods mesh better with the game.

Taddeus's TAD Balancing mods (the balancing mods suite I'm checking out right now) do that, from what I'm seeing. Common pants: 20 gold. Iron cuirass: 290 gold. Chitin shortsword: 100 gold. Silverware plate: 17 gold. Fargoth on a platter: Priceless.

Okay, I added that last part. But, interestingly, it also reins in the other side of things. Daedric cuirass: 2500 gold (was 70k). Dark Brotherhood greaves: 160 gold (was 1,000). And so on.

My first impression at Taddeus's mods was that they were heavy-handed and reduced granularity and subtlety, but I'm starting to like them now. Of course, they do the same thing to armor and weapon effectiveness, giving a boost to low-end items and bringing the highest-end down considerably. (Daedric AR comes down from 80 to 42.) Again, pretty heavy-handed, but it seems to be an apparent consensus that the late game is "ridiculously easy," as one person put it, already. I personally only played a little bit of late game, and that was vanilla -- and did myself find it yawningly easy.

But all in all, it truly is a confusing mess right now.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:51 pm

I don't like mod balancers that drastically change armor values, which is why I never used Taddeu's mods.
I just really care about the economy. Its a mess.

PL Trade Enhancements is my current favorite, but it still doesn't seem 100% right. But this DF stuff...........if something like this ever came out I would like.........I don't even know what thats how excited I would be. I would pee my pants.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:17 am

I don't like mod balancers that drastically change armor values, which is why I never used Taddeu's mods.
I just really care about the economy. Its a mess.

PL Trade Enhancements is my current favorite, but it still doesn't seem 100% right. But this DF stuff...........if something like this ever came out I would like.........I don't even know what thats how excited I would be. I would pee my pants.


It would be grand. I'm very interested in doing it, though I'm still in what I consider early researching phase for whatever my own end of it is.

I didn't like the armor scaling either, but, playing it so far, I kind of like it. The boost to armor values for lower armors not only makes the beginning a little smoother, it also boosts the difficulty level of lower-scale enemies so they aren't so flimsy once you've progressed a bit.

But, of course, let's see if I still like it 10, 20 levels into the game playing with MWA, PLC, GCD, and a couple of other relatively player-nerfing mods. Might need to play with difficulty slider set lower.
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:38 pm

MWA doesn't screw up that testing? The bandits and other folks that attack you are extremely well armed. Get attacked, flee, let guards take them out, and you get either some very nice armor and weapons, or some nice cash selling the leftovers, either way.
I'm with lettueman. PTE is my favorite at the moment. Combined with NOM it's just flat our hard being a new character. Balancing trying to scraqe together a few pennies for a bit or armor and weapons, as well as the basic necessities to survive.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:51 am

NoM is an excellent basis. i'm running a console-edited character (testing a telvanni add-on) and although i'm archmagister, i did come into a situation to starve a few times

btw, i just gave you guys the idea of DF based economy. my whole experience in CS amounts to erasing furniture from one simple interior cell, and i couldn't even do that without a few tries. so, if there is someone out there who doesn't svck at moding as i do and is willing to attempt to make the DF based mod, i'd be more than happy to help, test and play it :)
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:55 am

I don't like mod balancers that drastically change armor values, which is why I never used Taddeu's mods.
I just really care about the economy. Its a mess.

PL Trade Enhancements is my current favorite, but it still doesn't seem 100% right. But this DF stuff...........if something like this ever came out I would like.........I don't even know what thats how excited I would be. I would pee my pants.

Not to hijack, but what doesn't seem right to you?

For the DF you might be interested in my approach in PTE. For ingredients (so includes food) I recalculated prices based on category (Food, Gems, Daedric, etc). The categories established min/max prices (based on vanilla prices) and then I rescaled the prices based on how common they appear in the game world by noting down how often they are used in objects and levelled lists/
Those values could be used as a base, and if you need to devalue the septim, mutiply these numbers by 5-10
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:29 am

For the DF you might be interested in my approach in PTE. For ingredients (so includes food) I recalculated prices based on category (Food, Gems, Daedric, etc). The categories established min/max prices (based on vanilla prices) and then I rescaled the prices based on how common they appear in the game world by noting down how often they are used in objects and levelled lists/
Those values could be used as a base, and if you need to devalue the septim, mutiply these numbers by 5-10

Your method sounds great. I was thinking a devaluation by approximately 10. I'm almost embarrassed to say I haven't taken a look at your trade enhancements yet (I'm pretty stodgily methodical sometimes, and this is the one area of figuring out things that totally mired me before, so I haven't gotten to it). But it sounds like I've been missing out on something exceptional -- I'll take a look at it shortly to get a sense of where you placed the numbers.

MWA doesn't screw up that testing? The bandits and other folks that attack you are extremely well armed. Get attacked, flee, let guards take them out, and you get either some very nice armor and weapons, or some nice cash selling the leftovers, either way.
I'm with lettueman. PTE is my favorite at the moment. Combined with NOM it's just flat our hard being a new character. Balancing trying to scraqe together a few pennies for a bit or armor and weapons, as well as the basic necessities to survive.

Not yet, but we'll see. From what you describe, that's pretty exploitable. (And, again, this is another good reason for narrowing the dynamic range of AR among the armors. Making a decently tough thug means kitting him out with expensive gear, but if iron briastplate and netch leather are still adequate, if not fully competitive, then such guys don't need to be turned into walking lootbags.)

NoM is an excellent basis. i'm running a console-edited character (testing a telvanni add-on) and although i'm archmagister, i did come into a situation to starve a few times

btw, i just gave you guys the idea of DF based economy. my whole experience in CS amounts to erasing furniture from one simple interior cell, and i couldn't even do that without a few tries. so, if there is someone out there who doesn't svck at moding as i do and is willing to attempt to make the DF based mod, i'd be more than happy to help, test and play it :)

Sounds good! And if you're able and willing, we might be able to share some of the spreadsheet work, which is what a lot of it may amount to. If you like, of course. :)
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:51 pm

I didn't vote - mostly because I've used a LOT of rebalancing mods of various kinds and I can't really remember which ones I've used - but I just wanted to comment on the economy thing...

I dislike most of the economy mods I've tried because they don't take dialogue into account, they don't make the changes fit in properly. What I mean is: If you make everything cheaper, then the player can walk up to an NPC who's wearing some ragged common robe and even if the player's wearing an exquisite-quality outfit the NPC will sneer at the player's "cheap" clothing (obviously this applies more to unarmored characters - once you start wearing armor, it's not so likely to happen). This breaks immersion, it doesn't make sense, and I really hate it. So I guess I'd rather go with devaluing the septim and making all the cheap stuff cost a lot more, or changing the dialogue to match what the mod does. :shrug:
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