Hi, yesterday I got the game for PS3. I have to say that is the best graphical game I have ever play (I have killzone 3 and although it is awsome graphically speaking, I thing Crysis 2 is better). I first play the game in 1080, and then I saw in this forum that is better if you play it in 720 and with RGB limited and White.... OFF.
Well, i tried that and I cant see any difference. I take two photos, that i will post, to see if you can find differences. Both are with 25 britghness.
First one: 720p RGB limited WHITE....OFF
Second one: 1080p RGB full WHITE....ON
I know maybe taking a picture with the camera is not the best way of comparing this, but I really couldnt find any differences.
There are a little bit difference actually doesn't matter. If you can look carefully to building shadows are better on the second picture. Lol standart settings are showing it better?
