They broke the game with their patch for a LOT of people.
However, the specs people with the problem are posting are all over the map. Every windows version and every modern CPU and graphics combo is represented.
You might want to check your system temperatures. If it's overheating it can shut itself down based on the thermal limits normally set in the BIOS.
Sometimes it's beneficial to enable manual fan control for your GPU and set the fan RPM to 80% if it's getting hot.
What wattage of power supply do you have?
What Kaspar says. With a 980 you should have, at minimum, 600 watts. nVidia recommends 750 watts.
If you have a stock cpu cooler, might want to reapply thermal compound. Better yet a Coolermaster or Corsair liquid cooler. They're cheap and easy to install.
I should not I have a clevo 9177sm from Ibuypower and the bios is beyond simple with nothing but boot options. I've looked for an update during the 3 days of this Fallout problem. No success. I checked the error logs and I'm getting this: The speed of processor 1 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 71 seconds since the last report. And it states that on all 8 processors
Hi RJ,
Please check in the directory C:\windows\
There may be a folder in there titled "minidump". If there is, it means Windows logged a crash dump. There is a program called Bluescreen Viewer that enables you to read these files. If the folder doesn't exist, it could be that you have a hardware issue. Personally I have seen this happen with faulty hard drives and memory. Temperature can also cause this.
Ok, going to bed soon. Post your findings and I'll check this thread when I get up.
Can't find that folder. I re-installed windows last night, all the latest drivers. Now I'm doing all windows updates, after that will test the game. When it happens again (i believe it will) I will up tweak my fan settings, test again and tomorrow redo the paste. Thanks for the help guys, will post again IF I fix it. Q(^.^Q)
Before I go to bed, one thing. That message about "The speed of processor 1 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware" may be caused by Intel Speedstep. It is a feature in Intel cpu's that allow applications to change the speed of your software based on current demands. This saves on power and helps keep cpu temps down. I have read that some people think it can cause instability. Please note that if you disable it your temps will go up a bit. It is a setting in the BIOS.
I've read about that and thank you. Unfortunately that setting does not exist in my bios.
I see now from your CPU designation i7-4710MQ you have a notebook. GPU is likely fanless.
If your notebook fan noise gets really loud and your system shuts down regularly after ~1hr then overheating is a possibility. You may be able to set a more aggressive cooling profile either through an application or your BIOS.
An after market notebook cooler might be advisable if you determine that your system temperatures are getting too high. It's not likely necessary or recommended for you to reseat the CPU.
Oops. Didn't realize you were using a notebook. Like Kaspar said, it may be overheating.