*Fallout 4 Discs for PC Intentionally Missing Content to Thwart Piracy
For those of you who prefer to hold PC games in your hand through physical media, you'll still need to hop on Steam and download content in order to play Fallout 4. Why?
It turns out the disc is missing content. Pete Hines, Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing for Bethesda, revealed as much on Twitter when asked if it would be possible to install Fallout 4 from discs
(as opposed to them simply containing a Steam installer).
"Yes, though you will still have to download from Steam. The disc doesn't contain the entire game," Hines said.
When pressed on why Fallout 4 media for consoles contain the entire game while the PC version doesn't,
Hines said: it's because "PC requires activation on Steam. Console does not. Console ship on Blu-rays, PC ships on DVDs."
That's only half the explanation. Hines told the rest of the story in a follow-up Twitter post, noting that the reason is, quite simply, "piracy."
(* negative statements from users have been Intentionally removed, to not compromise the topic. !!! )
Nothing revealed so far about the remaining game data that will be downloaded through steam.
Also as mentioned above, there will be a huge day one patch. !!!
Bethesda's open world titles have a history of bad performance on PlayStation, with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 3 both launching in shamefully shoddy condition on Sony's last-gen console.
Having said that, fears will undoubtedly remain until we're all playing the post-apocalyptic release for ourselves, but that hasn't stopped Bethesda's VP of marketing, Pete Hines, from commenting on the PS4 version of the game.
When asked if he was aware of any performance issues - most notably frame rate dips - Hines replied by saying that the title runs at a "solid 30 FPS".
I thing that's all the news we know so far...