In-game sound doubled + some constructive list of bugs

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:08 am

Hello there,
first of all thx for devs for making so d*mn good game. There are couple of bugs but you're fixing it very fast so I've decided to help you with doing that by adding some bugs that I've noticed while playing Crysis 2 Multiplayer.

1. Double music in the menu:

- Whenever I'm in the Multiplayer menu the sound is getting doubled. It means that one theme starts and after few seconds the second one starts as well so I hear two same themes which sometimes can be annoying. They never start at the same time. As I've said above first is played immediately but the second one starts with a little delay. This might be caused due to my game version. I use localized, Polish version of the game with one command changed in config (system.cfg) that makes game with original soundpack. The command is:

g_language = English instead of g_language = Polish

2. Server browser:

- It takes a lot of time to refresh servers in the server brower. I only have over 6 servers in the server brower favorites tab and it takes about 30-45seconds to refresh them all. Does it work as intended?

3. Shooting from sniper rifle.

- Yesterday I've discovered that even if I shoot into my opponent from a sniper rifle, I miss. I thought it could be due to my opponent's lagging but his/their and mine latency was fine. I'm gonna record a video to prove that. I was trying to shoot him and other people from their right side. Let's say I was trying to shoot them in the right arm. I always missed. They were not holograms for sure because some of them killed me right after that. I'm sure I didn't miss. It was direct shoot in the player's model but still it was a miss hit.... I don't know why. I always could kill them directly when we stood face to face not from the side. This is strange and if you still don't understand me, I will try to record that.

4. No sound when using tab.

- Sometimes I have no sound after using tab to check the scoreboard.

5. Friend list is bugged.

- When my friends are playing somewhere on any server I can't joing them because their status is "Online" and the game doesn't recognize that they're playing on the server. The result is that when I right click on their nickname I have no "Join" option. Also sometimes I can't join the session (my NAT is enabled, ports are forwarded, OS firewall is opened for proper ports).


1. Balance:

- Invisibility is overpowered. It's more powerful than armor mode. I thought that they're even so I've decided to try exping my armor mode. After a while I've discovered that it was a bad decision. Additional perks or equipment to detect players that are invisible are not enough or they require invisibility mode at higher level which is strange because I have no chance against invisibile man without having that perk to detect those invisible enemies. So to detect them I have to level both armor and invisibilty modes (perks)... why is that? Isn't it supossed to be like both armor and invisibilty have some perks to defend against others?

2. Sniper rifle:

- Maybe I've played too short and I don't really like that much sniper rifles but I think it is too weak weapon for this game where people can run so fast. Also it requires at least 2 shots to kill someone. Obviously I can one-shot someone by shooting him in the head but still... I'm not sure if it's balanced. There is a good side of this, though. At least this game isn't full of snipers camping the whole map/round (depends of the game mode). It makes this game more dynamic/smooth.
3. I'm almost sure that there is no option that pops up a windows with reason why someone has been kicked while using reserved slots. I haven't tested it yet, however. Please add this to not make people angry. There is nothing worse than being kicked without knowing why. Also there is no option for kicking when someone reaches too high latency.

That's all for now... I don't remember a few things because I didn't make a note when I've discovered them but I'm sure there will be more and hopefully you will read at least this report of bugs. If you need more informations about my computer spec,system, etc. please let me know by responding here or by using PRV MSG.


PS: Sorry for bad english. I have no time to fix mistakes I made during the writing this post, unfortunately.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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