Good for you.
However, those of us with machines from this decade (HA! See what I did there?) that get 90+FPS except for the already known issues are suffering from inconsistent game speed.
Say I'm looking at the Sky, Ground, or any lag free part of the game. The game speed is very fast, I'd say a little bit too accelerated. The caravan shotgun takes .5 seconds to reload, and jumping takes maybe .75 seconds. However, when you look anywhere else in this screwup of a game you can clearly notice a 100% to 400% increase. The shotgun takes 1.5 seconds, jumping takes ~2 seconds. This is all relative to the FPS.
It doesn't need to be said, but even though the retards that designed this game for the 360 didn't take into account high end machines, the way they have programmed it makes it so that a constant frame rate is _ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED_. NEEDS A FIX.
On another note, all my slowdowns occur completely arbitrarily, if I change my view angle 10 degrees I can go from 80 FPS to 25 FPS, so... yeah.