It's as epic as the thread topic suggest.
It's as epic as the thread topic suggest.
I've never watched GoT, but that was really nice! Why can't Oblivion have pretty tributes like this?
It's not my thing.. I don't like television and dramatic stuff like that.
Read the books then, they're damn good.
That is absolutely epic
I'm also deeply saddened that there is no available download
I've only ever watched one episode of Game of Thrones, but that was pretty neat. Sean Bean and the intro music, A Song of Ice and Fire
Me neither, but I kind of have the itch to watch it now, just from that wonderful melody in the video...
You are not alone. Then again i don't watch anything on TV.
I can. It's called not reading one of the best fantasy series ever.
Great video, thanks for sharing! I'm surprised they didn't show High Hrothgar.
Not a Game of Thrones fan (watched it...not a fan), but that video was really delicately put-together.
Very impressive. I'm sure the Bethesda staff will like to see this and post it on their blog.
Mr Mochi is pretty
very nice. appreciate it Am.
i got through the first couple seasons, but, i'm actually re-watching GoT right now and i'm appreciating and enjoying it much more this go around.
it was tough for me to jump right in to how serious the series is and all the motivations of the characters and knowing who all those characters are, etc.
if you're willing to invest in just one tv series, this one is definitely worth it. unlike all others and a definite classic.
haha nice, I would post something involving him to counter that pic but it will spoil things for those who haven't seen the show
I slept on that show for so long as I'm not a fan of TV shows in general and generally the highest praised ones tend to be a bit overrated but I finally sat down to watch them a couple months ago and now I'm a fan, eagerly awaiting season 4 which is only a few days away
I have been reading the fourth book since, erm, about three days after the last season ended - unfortunately I'm a very slow reader these days because blah blah disability. I guess this means I have just under a week to finish it before Twitter is once again full of people making smug 'subtle' spoiler comments and then saying 'well the books have been out for a billion years!' (I'm actually not *that* far from the end, I think, can't really tell because I've got a Bumper Edition of the first four books on my Kindle - no way I can manage gigantic paperbacks any more either). Really enjoy them, although I like some characters a *lot* more than others *mumblemumbleboringJonSnerrrrrmumble*
I have no idea if this mod is any good, but I like the trailer: