The problem is that i want to have it in english; not only because there are many bad translation errors, hide and leather are inverted, in italian version pelle ( hide) is better than cuoio (leather), just to say one, but because of the near impossibility to find help online if you dont know english names for quests, people, locations and expecially alchemy components. :swear: Any fture non official mod will also be in englis and having half the game in italian and half in englis, as i had Fallout after installing some mod, is not very nice.
Probably the english version of the text is inside the DVD but i dont know how to install it.
I dont care about the sound, having people speking italian is ok, but i'd like to have the text in english. In many games, Football Manager for example, it's just downloading a file and adjusting a setting in the options menu, but it wont be a problem to replace some files and manually adjust some .ini or .cfg file inside the game; i did that in other games i can do it again.