So we have vertibirds confirmed for the "immersive" fast travel option, I wonder if we'll be able to witness the whole flight though or if it will just load screen after an ascent animation, hopefully we can just sit and look out upon the Wasteland as we fly from point-to-point.
Anyway, will we have other methods of travel in the game? I have to say, when I heard of vertibird travel I thought how much I would've preferred travelling by brahmin caravan or something along those lines. Vertibirds for casual travel just seems a little decadent in a post-apocalyptic world, such a waste of fuel and would surely all be in the hands of powerful factions who used them strictly for sensitive missions, awesome as it may be to travel by one in-game.
Boats would be sweet as well, travelling up and down rivers in ramshackle rafts built with scrap metal.