I loved this game when it came out. I love the meta game of raising dwellers and building a community underground, but lately I have not been playing the game due to several reasons. It is unplayable and unenjoyable.
Adding deathclaws and mole rats is an interesting concept but does not work atm. I open a game to work on my vault and constantly get spammed by deathclaw attacks. It is very frusturating. I had to put down the game for a few days because I was constantly being attacked and spent 20,000 BP (half my stash) reviving everyone. Deathclaws are extremely overpowered and occur far too frequently. Mix it up a bit and do not scale baddies. I have about 60 dwellers.
Why am I being punished for having a radio room? A radio room makes people in your vault happy, but it also attracts dwellers and deathclaws. Why can't I have a radio room that I can put my highly charismatic people in without exposing the vault to overpopulation?
Why should I be punished for building a vault the way I want it to be built? I don't want single rooms for dealing with deathclaws. Enemies should not scale with upgrading rooms. I don't want to leave a room empty but I do not want the barracks full of dwellers trying to get pregnant. Make a new room where people can live and just hang out, not try to hook up.
This game punishes you for trying to build, create, and expand how you want and it is very unenjoyable at the moment.
picking up people when they are doing flips and situps is extremely irritating.
Not being able to assign dwellers to stat building rooms needs to be fixed. That is all I can think of right now.