If i remember the name correctly, and from the look of this thread I am sure it is the same person.... @Swiftly is the true troll
If i remember the name correctly, and from the look of this thread I am sure it is the same person.... @Swiftly is the true troll
I rarely use VOIP outside of PvP (not MMOs). I guess the more action based combat here could make it somewhat useful, though in my experience the same can be accomplished with simply paying attention. But either way, I wouldn't mind the addition as long as I can mute my group. Unless I feel the encounter would benefit from better communication, I don't want to hear crying babies or barking dogs. Actually, I mostly just want to listen to my music.
But, alternatively, it would be nice to have the option available as opposed to joining a guild in order to use VOIP.
It would be on my list below chat bubbles. lol.
I feel VOIP leads to thi
and the stuff you'd see on CoD
Yep was not the best in the world but was good enough, was a real hoot in the moors, helped pugs be a little more effective against guilds that play together on a daily basis, not everyone has access to private guild 3rd party voice programs, in this day and age with social media and all this push for everyone to be connected, I wonder why built in voice is not a default option. Would work well in Cryodill and pugs doing dungeons. I guess there are reasons companies do not include them, cost performance etc etc, who knows....
With the ubiquitousness of variosu VOIP programmes -- Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, Mumble, and yes, even Skype -- the necessity for an in-game voice-chat isn't really there. So many of those are free, and will not help choke bandwidth for the game itself.
The other fact that most in-game systems aren't very good: DDO's is barely useable (for a variety of reasons), and WoW's had such lag issues that Vent and TS and later Mumble capitalized on it with better, clearer, immediate sound that I currently do not know of anyone who uses it.
The lag issues I can see arising from in-game Proximity Chat systems is scary. It could make the Lag-Monster I had to deal with in EQ seem tame. What people with dial-up -- which is still a very large proportion of US net connections -- would have to deal with in terms of lag doesn't even bear thinking about. At least not until teh cable/phone companies get off their butts and re-start laying fiber-optic lines like they promised a decade-and-a-half ago. But I ain't seeing AT&T or Verizon (or Rogers or Shaw up here) getting to work on that, do you?
Very good and free voice chat software is out there. Use it. An in-game system is no longer really required (for any game).
I like typing. It was somewhat useful in LOTRO, but overall not needed. If you really need voice communication, then use a third party program, but I can't stand when people expect you to use voice when I'm playing in a quiet house with kids asleep upstairs and they get upset that you want to type.
You just compared voip in an mmo to call of duty?
I need to grab some popcorn, this is comical
i would love to see in game VOIP
could make it guild only, group only, or even open world although i think this could be to much
Now see? This is exactly the core of the on-the-fly interaction that I am attracted to. I have both of my hands occupied just moving and looking around. It is nothing short of irritating for me to have to be taken out of that element to came back to the real world of text messaging in 2E Tamriel.
I mean, it's just so much more convenient to simply hit one button and you're in voice comm with the bypassing character. I mean you react to people verbally when they stop and turn to you. That is natural body language that says, " hey ". So you can have it off all the time, if you so desired and when a potential character turns to you, you have a good indication to fire yours up and exchange dialog.
All the while keeping your eye on the horizon for enemies and not staring at some flashing letters that encroaches on the FOV. The next thing you know... the screen fades to a bluish gray hue.
Had you be utilizing this hands free feature you may have noticed the 350 lb Nord flying at you with those Dragon wings.
I'm not beyond having it, but I personally feel its' a waste of development resources. I don't use in-game VOIP. Heck, most pickup groups I've been in, you can't get them to even say hi.
I specifically find guilds to join that already have established coms in dedicated third-party programs. Teamspeak, Ventrillo, Skype, Mumble ... even xbox live, which is simply because I've got wireless headsets and can go get a drink and take a piss and still talk.
People dont say hi to you becouse they are not paying attention to you at all.
When you type people merely look past what you say most of the time since they are probably chatting with people in another system.
My expirence in voip supported games like neverwinter, rust, and dayz have all been the same, you say hi, and usually one person or the other says "hey how are ya"
"great, just checking out this cave, what quest you on?"
"same one, wana come with me?"
"sure! Ill add you to my friends list"
That convo takes 6 seconds to chat up with voip
About 2 whole mins with text chat
when you can hear what someone sounds like, you typically remember them better. Thus, nearly every person i have spoken to in those games has left a mark on me, many i still speak to/quest/hunt with. It's better to be personal rather than a floating text producer. Its also really fun to talk back and forth about what you are doin in-game
Some of the 3rd party programs we use (TS for example) have been developed for years and are close to being perfect.
In-game voip will never be as good, which means almost nobody will use it, so its pointless to put resources on it.
Seriously? Tell that to a dayz player, a rust player, or even a neverwinter player
get back to me when you figure out how that goes
I play Neverwinter. Turning off that poor-quality VOIP that causes your chat bar to fill up with the 'multiple party' glitch was my first move.
The in-game system is simply not capable of doing what TS or Vent does so easily.
It takes maybe 20 seconds to type that... if you are a slow typer.
Hm, they must have fixed it since you played it then, i have never even heard of that glitch and i talk to 100's of players in a monthly basis on that game with the in-game voip.
That would be like saying "the conference call system has improved drastically in the past 10 years, we no longer get dropped calls"
At some point Voip may be added if the demand is high enough and can be worked into the coding without damaging the chat system, but at this point i dont think it is a priority , as most guilds already use third party clients to speak to guild members during battle, TS, Vent, Skype just to name a few .
20 seconds to type it myself and plaster it on the forum, sure, but between two players who are probably pre-occupied probably 2 mins or more, and no, no everyone is a typist im afraid. I have met people who take 30+ seconds to respond to a simple "hey how are you" in-game
I agree that in game VOIP has been a bit crappy in general. But games that have been released in the last year or so that have in game VOIP I have notice that the quality have increased allot. Take Rust for an example. I would say that there in game VOIP is as good as TS. Now rust is just a indy game that is in an early access in Steam, Garry (Garry from Garry's mod (facepunch)) even came out and sad that only 10% of the game exist right now. So if a small indy game in early access can pull it off there are no excuse what so ever for ZEO not to have high quality in game VOIP if they put it in.
My experiences on public voip have all been terrible. Pretty much an instant onslaught of sixual harassment the second I said "Hi".
If anything like that gets implemented, it better have a disable-all option I'll stick to 3rd party voip with friends and trusted guildies, tyvm.
heard that type of stuff , and wouldn't blame you at all
I'm against it. VOIP can be done by third parties a lot better and Zenimax Online won't have to waste resources on developing and hosting VOIP.
Besides, I don't want VOIP becoming an annoyance. If I want to hear people, I will join my third party program. Sometimes I don't want to hear people when I'm running a dungeon, doing quests, or pvp.