This is my problem: Crysis 3 Hunter Edition
If I try to start the game and run the tutorial, the screen goes black, and I have to ctrl+alt+del to reboot. I can bring up the taskmanager (says game not responding), but it will not let me end the process, so therefor reboot. Screen goes black to after the intro (if I say No to run tutorial), and ctrl+alt+del to reboot.
This is what I have attempted so far to fix it:
Reinstalling video driver didn't work. Reinstalling game didn't work. Made sure I have DX11.
Tried upping Voltage on VC and that didn't work. Tried lowering clock rates, did not work.
Tried reformat, just in case some old driver/software was creating the problem, did not work.
Been trying for 4 days to find a solution on these forums, and searching online, but so far no luck, and that is the reason I'm posting. To be honest I have no idea what the problem can be, but I've been hoping for an easy fix for 4 days. No such luck!
It is possible that it could be my **** HP with an aftermarket VC, but who am I to say that's the issue.
Any help, tip and/or suggestion is much appreciated!
My crappy HP's specs:
Win8 64bit
AMD A6-5400 3.6Ghz