Oh hell no! Now I see the problem. I would hate it if romance replaced being able to turn into a vampire.
First I don't think fishing is going to hog that many resources. Secondly it complements the cooking craft. Crafting, as you know, is something they've been bringing up a lot recently. I think it may be one of the big selling points of this game. Lastly I could never see them including fishing if it meant axing vampires. That's just ridiculous.
I agree that Fishing isn't that much data but who knows how much data Romances could put into the game. I don't want to lose a feature because we have to include the Humpy Dumpy option in place of Vampires, or Skyrim versions of Spears. Could it work maybe but this feature isn't what built TES, nor do we need it for Skyrim to succeed.
Oh no! They put in crafting!
That's why there won't be spears!
Damn, Bethesda have shoved in dual-wielding, what if that stopped them having fishing?!
Arrgghhh!!! Horses! Horses are useless, all that data, they should have done crossbows instead!
Ok, seriously, in a game like Skyrim absolutely
everything they include means something else was left out. Every animation means less space for textures, or dialogue. Every model means less space for code. And it's not just space on the disc, it's money in the budget. For every animator they hire, that's another texture artist who didn't get on the team. Every voice actor used is a few hours, days or weeks off the development time.
Yes, we've all got our favourite features, and any feature we don't personally like means less attention was spent on something we do. Personally, I couldn't give a toss about crafting, the idea of fishing in a heroic fantasy just bewilders me, and I'm indifferent to horse riding. The idea of bloody decapitations and dismemberment actually repels me.
Would it be childish for me to rant on about how dialogue, storytelling and, yes, romance, were being sacrificed for the sake of gore and shiny irrelevancies? Yes, yes I do believe it would

If Bethesda put romance in, then something else will either be cut or skimped on. Since romance is mostly dialogue, then the most likely victim would be other dialogue. Even if other elements were impacted, who knows, maybe they'd be elements that almost no-one wants, like that
exceedingly clever and amusing haddock-juggling minigame that they were thinking of putting in [yes, that was a sardonic joke].
I suspect that when Bethsda include or plan anything for a game, the first victims are the features they weren't keen on in the first place, or that they reckoned not enough of their customers are interested in. We might not always have the same taste as Bethesda, but no-one gets to successfully conclude a series of multi-million dollar projects by being a complete idiot. I think that this panic about this-or-that feature being the work of the devil because it sacrifices some favourite pipe-dream is just a little ridiculous.