Confirms Skyrim Romances

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:21 am

Instead of Fisto, we get a lovely ogre. Assume the position. =P
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:12 am

Why would you want to know someone's sixual orientation is a better question.

Nice dodging of my question. I don't care about knowing their sixual orientation, but if someone in Skyrim noted sometime ''Yea, I'm straight'' then I wouldn't throw the game out the window.
By equality I meant half the characters in the game would have to be straight and half would have to be gay. Otherwise, it'd be unfair to the homosixual players.

What? That's.... that's... my god, I can't even think of a word to describe the stupidity coming from you right now. I mean, for f*cks sake, do you really think we bi/gay people think the actual world is made up of 50% bi/gay people? Do you really think we have such a loose grip on reality that we would want that?
Why can't it just be like in real life, that 1-2% of the population is non-straight? It is because it's a fantasy world? Do we have to change everything in reality so that it's completely different than in the real world?
It is a bit off putting when Anders flirts with male Hawke in DA2 regardless of my intentions (not gonna lie). Sorry that I don't want gay vikings hitting on me in Skyrim.

Meh. Them being bi/gay doesn't make them horny for every guy they see. Anders hit on you as female Hawke too. You'd do better protesting NPC's hitting on you than protesting gays in Skyrim.
What a 'homophobe'-phobe...

Sounds ridiculous. Last thing we need is Bioware fans influencing TES. Take a look at their forum, all they talk about on there is romances and alien six and stuff.

What? Have you even been to the Bioware forum? And in the case you have, did you find some weird secret six corner I've never been able to find after my several months of going through pretty much every part of the forum?
Don't try to lie. It doesn't work.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:50 pm

:facepalm: what a load of [censored]. I know it's optional, mai imershun etc but it baffles me that Bethesda would waste their time on something like this. I find that having actual romantic feelings to a character in a video game is close to rock bottom.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:19 pm

Who said anything about having actual feelings for them? Some of us might just like a character and would see some extra depth added to them.
Well, at least you tried to make a strawman argument. Good for you.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:13 am

If in fact romance will be available my hope is that it will be similar to that of Dragon Age Origins (DAO). Like the game itself I enjoy building upon a relationship, as apposed to [censored] around. Building upon a relationship is much more meaningful that handing out trinkets for six. My guess is that Tod Howard and crew will capitalize on the popularity of DAO.

(When I first started to play DAO, I was having problems with the game play--character building actually. So, I went to DAO's forum to ask for help. The one person who responded, who went on to spend several hours helping me, was a retired female school administrator. The fact of the matter is that there are many people my age playing DAO, as I still do. My point is DAO wasn't a kids game like DA2 obviously is. It was and still is a very mature game. I thought, wow! Finally a game developer created a RPG game for mature advlts. I was estatic and being single and living alone I have spent many totally enjoyable hours playing DAO. In total I have spent well over $150 on DAO, purchasing all of the (some not so good) DLC's attached to the game. And, like Elder Scrolls IV modders are still creating mods for the game.)


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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:48 am

How is DA2 a ''kids game''?
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:15 am

How is DA2 a ''kids game''?

Because Butthurt forumites try to lessen the credibility of anything that doesn't fit within their narrow-minded frame of reference.

It's not a Kid's game, it's just a bad game.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:03 am

In your opinion. I've met plenty of people who think it's a good game, myself included.
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David Chambers
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:15 am

Why would you want to know someone's sixual orientation is a better question.

By equality I meant half the characters in the game would have to be straight and half would have to be gay. Otherwise, it'd be unfair to the homosixual players.

It is a bit off putting when Anders flirts with male Hawke in DA2 regardless of my intentions (not gonna lie). Sorry that I don't want gay vikings hitting on me in Skyrim.

What a 'homophobe'-phobe...

Anders never flirts with Hawke. Actually Hawke is the one doing all the flirting with all the male companions which are romance-able. :rolleyes:
I wish people would stop lying about stuff like that.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:33 am

Anders never flirts with Hawke. Actually Hawke is the one doing all the flirting with all the male companions which are romance-able. :rolleyes:
I wish people would stop lying about stuff like that.

Quoting Anders on this one:
To Female Hawke: ''Strong, Wise and Beautiful? You must have made some deals with demons too''
To Male Hawke: '''Well well, under that scruffy exterior lies a heart of gold after all.''
So yea, he hits on you. I found that out in my 4th playthrough, Unless you always go diplomatic, it's hard to find it.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:45 pm

Quoting Anders on this one:
To Female Hawke: ''Strong, Wise and Beautiful? You must have made some deals with demons too''
To Male Hawke: '''Well well, under that scruffy exterior lies a heart of gold after all.''
So yea, he hits on you. I found that out in my 4th playthrough, Unless you always go diplomatic, it's hard to find it.

If that qualifies as flirting I am the son of Martin Septim.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:31 am

He follows that up with ''I'm sorry... I shouldn't presume... We've hardly met and I feel like I know you. Am I making you uncomfortable?''
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:01 am

In your opinion. I've met plenty of people who think it's a good game, myself included.

That depends on how you're critiquing it though. As a game that follows Dragon Age: Origins. It's terrible. They scrapped the Ruleset, recycle the same zones a dozen times, nix virtually any aspect of exploration, and deceived the original install base for Dragon Age Origins. About the only thing the game did admirably, was the storytelling. But Bioware pushing out a serviceable narrative is like Infinity Ward or Treyarch pushing out a game with guns and multiplayer.

Let's not dwell on this though. Even if I will always consider Dragon Age 2 a Bad game, and even if it technical failure and a bad game, it doesn't matter. There's no rule that says someone can only enjoy the most exemplary pieces of gaming art... hell, any art. For example, I love Judge Dredd... It's one of the most terrible movies on the planet, but I love it!

Probably should put the topic back in the rant. I'm not sure how this situation has evolved over the past day, is it actually confirmed that there is Romance in Skyrim, or is it still up in the air?
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Kevin S
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:01 pm

Well, at least you let me have my own opinion, even while being snarky about it. That's a step, I guess.

Anyway, as far as I know, that article was most likely a fake, probably written for amusemant. If I remember correctly, some dev said ''We're considering it'', which may of course mean pretty much anything. The only thing we have pointing towards there being romances in the game is that there'll be companions that you can develop friendships with.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:08 am

That depends on how you're critiquing it though. As a game that follows Dragon Age: Origins. It's terrible. They scrapped the Ruleset, recycle the same zones a dozen times, nix virtually any aspect of exploration, and deceived the original install base for Dragon Age Origins. About the only thing the game did admirably, was the storytelling. But Bioware pushing out a serviceable narrative is like Infinity Ward or Treyarch pushing out a game with guns and multiplayer.

Let's not dwell on this though. Even if I will always consider Dragon Age 2 a Bad game, and even if it technical failure and a bad game, it doesn't matter. There's no rule that says someone can only enjoy the most exemplary pieces of gaming art... hell, any art. For example, I love Judge Dredd... It's one of the most terrible movies on the planet, but I love it!

Probably should put the topic back in the rant. I'm not sure how this situation has evolved over the past day, is it actually confirmed that there is Romance in Skyrim, or is it still up in the air?

It's not 100% confirmed yet. The sites that posted this, heard a rumor that's basically what it is right now.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:12 am

So it's still basically the same. I personally don't believe any form of Romance is in the game, but I'm kind of hopeful that it is, just to see how Bethesda takes it. While Bethesda's writing/writers may not be on par with the best Bioware has to offer, they're skill at world building eclipses the best Bioware has ever done, and that means they'll be approaching this differently than the linear "Dialog -> Dialog -> Decision -> sixYTIME of Bioware.

I've already thrown it out there, but there's great potential here, depending on if they opt for a more nuanced form of romance, I pointed out that, we don't have to have "Bioware" romance, and to even say that we might get that is not understanding how fundamentally different these types of games are. If it is in, I'm expecting (And hoping) for things such as dialog changes (obviously) but more importantly, AI changes, assuming that the only romantic possibilities are companions (which makes more sense, as it gives is gameplay connection and asset to the romance). I think you can convey such a connection much better through action, than dialog. Normally, a Companion AI might just attack whatever presents the most opportunity, but if the player fosters a romantic entanglement, that AI could change to prioritize Healing the player, or distracting enemies attacking him/her.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:36 am

How is DA2 a ''kids game''?

I made the reference to DA2, in my opinion, being a kids game based upon having played the game myself and feeling like I was playing Mortal Kombat what with all of the constant and senseless fighting, the exploding bodies and the 300 times the same cave was used in the game; and, many other things about the game that displeased me. After just one play through I felt like I wasted $60. I haven't played it since. However, I am still playing DAO along with FNV, which I like better than FO3.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:25 am

I wouldn`t have a problem if it was in Skyrim. Anything that adds to NPC`s having some kind of actual personality isn`t a bad thing really.
In previous TES games I didn`t care about any of the NPC`s as they just seemed completely devoid of any personality whatsoever. They were just non-entities - wait, actually I did like the guy in Cheydinal that sang about Cliff Racers...
It was nice to see something other than the usual dull conversation type. If flirting with NPC`s etc is in, then yeah thats an improvement. Leading your romantic interest out to the nearest Dragon perch could be quite fun... :evil:
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:53 am

I made the reference to DA2, in my opinion, being a kids game based upon having played the game myself and feeling like I was playing Mortal Kombat what with all of the constant and senseless fighting, the exploding bodies and the 300 times the same cave was used in the game; and, many other things about the game that displeased me. After just one play through I felt like I wasted $60. I haven't played it since. However, I am still playing DAO along with FNV, which I like better than FO3.

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around how you bought a Bioware game for the combat...
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alicia hillier
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:45 am

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around how you bought a Bioware game for the combat...

I certainly didn't buy the game for the combat. I mean, at every turn there were enemies to fight. You couldn't scratch your butt or pick your nose without fighting: enemies falling out of the sky, like a typical arcade game. You take two more steps to continue on your quest and hundreds more enemies dropped from above. It was utterly stupid. For me it took away from the RPG experience. I found myself getting angry and cursing Bioware for its stupidity. I was glad when a modder came up with a mod to stop the stupid exploding bodies and the flying doll heads. It was so ridicules. Dragon Age Origins is, in my opinion, an RPG game like no other that I have played. I supppose I was hoping for DA2 to be similar in design and creativity. I wasn't expecting an arcade console game period. Incidentally, I wasn't that impressed with Mass Effect either.

That being said, having played the original Fallout game in the 90s I enjoy playing FO3 and FNV ---although FNV is my favorite. I also still play Elder Scrolls IV on ocassion. Skyrim is something to look forward to and my hope is that Tod Howard and crew will have out done Bioware's DAO.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:56 am

They cite no sources whatsoever. They don't even reference that one German rag. This confirms nothing.
Agreed, and people shouldn't assume, until a dev actually says something.

You'll only disappoint yourself if you assumed wrong.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:21 pm

I'm still putting all my money on the modders, so to speak, Not to sound like a [censored] or anything, but I expect a lot of mediocrity in certain parts of the game waiting to be perfected by modders. By no means I'm insinuating the game is bad or something like that, but having played morriwind and oblivion, where that event has come to pass more times than I could count, I can't help but expect the same here.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:32 am

Any news on that tweet yet?
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laila hassan
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:43 am

Agreed, and people shouldn't assume, until a dev actually says something.

You'll only disappoint yourself if you assumed wrong.

After Dragon Age 2, I inherently expect no less from other game developers: In my mind it would benefit Bethesda to do their best to out develop DAO, if they want their sales to skyrocket. As with DA2 a month following its release Bioware had the digital version on sale at 50% off. That doesn't say much about the popularity of the game or its sales revenue. Bioware can say what they want, but DA2's user score is, the last time I saw it, at seven out of ten. It certainly isn't going to win any user awards that much is for sure.

That being said, I doubt that I will ever puchase another Bioware/EA game--especially Mass Effect 3. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen with Bethesda. I just may have to find anther avenue of gaming entertainment.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:48 am

What? That's.... that's... my god, I can't even think of a word to describe the stupidity coming from you right now. I mean, for f*cks sake, do you really think we bi/gay people think the actual world is made up of 50% bi/gay people? Do you really think we have such a loose grip on reality that we would want that?
Why can't it just be like in real life, that 1-2% of the population is non-straight? It is because it's a fantasy world? Do we have to change everything in reality so that it's completely different than in the real world?

That's just the way games tend to do it. Look at Dragon Age.


I said nothing to offend homosixuals but you wasted no time at all playing that card. Remove the stick from wherever it's lodged, then talk to me. ;)

If that qualifies as flirting I am the son of Martin Septim.

We all make mistakes.
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