Why would you want to know someone's sixual orientation is a better question.
Nice dodging of my question. I don't care about knowing their sixual orientation, but if someone in Skyrim noted sometime ''Yea, I'm straight'' then I wouldn't throw the game out the window.
By equality I meant half the characters in the game would have to be straight and half would have to be gay. Otherwise, it'd be unfair to the homosixual players.
What? That's.... that's... my god, I can't even think of a word to describe the stupidity coming from you right now. I mean, for f*cks sake, do you really think we bi/gay people think the actual world is made up of 50% bi/gay people? Do you really think we have such a loose grip on reality that we would want that?
Why can't it just be like in real life, that 1-2% of the population is non-straight? It is because it's a fantasy world? Do we have to change everything in reality so that it's completely different than in the real world?
It is a bit off putting when Anders flirts with male Hawke in DA2 regardless of my intentions (not gonna lie). Sorry that I don't want gay vikings hitting on me in Skyrim.
Meh. Them being bi/gay doesn't make them horny for every guy they see. Anders hit on you as female Hawke too. You'd do better protesting NPC's hitting on you than protesting gays in Skyrim.
What a 'homophobe'-phobe...
Sounds ridiculous. Last thing we need is Bioware fans influencing TES. Take a look at their forum, all they talk about on there is romances and alien six and stuff.
What? Have you even been to the Bioware forum? And in the case you have, did you find some weird secret six corner I've never been able to find after my several months of going through pretty much every part of the forum?
Don't try to lie. It doesn't work.