That depends on how you're critiquing it though. As a game that follows Dragon Age: Origins. It's terrible. They scrapped the Ruleset, recycle the same zones a dozen times, nix virtually any aspect of exploration, and deceived the original install base for Dragon Age Origins. About the only thing the game did admirably, was the storytelling. But Bioware pushing out a serviceable narrative is like Infinity Ward or Treyarch pushing out a game with guns and multiplayer.
Let's not dwell on this though. Even if I will always consider Dragon Age 2 a Bad game, and even if it technical failure and a bad game, it doesn't matter. There's no rule that says someone can only enjoy the most exemplary pieces of gaming art... hell, any art. For example, I love Judge Dredd... It's one of the most terrible movies on the planet, but I love it!
Probably should put the topic back in the rant. I'm not sure how this situation has evolved over the past day, is it actually confirmed that there is Romance in Skyrim, or is it still up in the air?
EA has admitted that they lost fans with Dragon Age 2 so even they know it was a fail which is why I believe they rushed into Dragon Age 3 developement so quickly instead of milking DA2 as much as they did DAO.
Yeah I think I would be kinda disappointed too if it didn't haves something deeper at least friendship wise. So person to watch the keep, send you tips, even a lacky would be good. I mean that Dragon's Dogma game allows you to recruit anyone so I would hope Skyrim to have something in it too.