» Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:03 am
I agree that ladders have to be in real time, but so are the doors. I don't like vanishing through the doors. The technical limitations are obvious, but I wouldn't be so optimistic like others that the furture hardware will suddenly give Beth all they need to do away with loading. Let's think about it: with nowadays hardware they can't pull off a seamless detailed world, at today's level of detail. Let's say the next console has 10xRAM, 10xCPU and 10xGPU power, although I doubt the leap is so big, but still. Those would definitly allow a seamless world for today's level of detail, but Beth will also improve the details, the textures, the graphics, etc which will again devour resources! So my prediction is, like today's hardware can't handle today's level of detail with no loading, the same the future hardware will not handle the future level of details with no loading. This will go on forever, they would have to sacrifice making the world more detailed and beautiful in order to make it seamless. The most I expect is some of the cities open, but the houses never, unfortunatly.