Found some intresting articles on the internet they all fear theat the Addons/mods that Bethseda will allow is a "Can of Worms in regard to security and balance". Gamefront 19 of march 2013.
ESO wiki - 2of august 2013. article about addons that warns for dungeon traps, helps you fast find your quest goal and avoid spawns on the way, how to fasttrack your quest, tell you the outcome of the quests, quickchange your gear, dpsmeters etc. Alot of things I find rather beneficial to the user and thats NOT avalible for the gamer Community. And you wont get invited to raids if you dont have the mods/addons!!! Same probs as WOW!!
And theres alot of articles and forums with hackers and cheaters already loading up programs that will really mess up the game into something unrecognizable Wow-icated trash.
You make a search for yourself and find out....
For me this sounds like an avalance of problems comming.
Will it really be Worth the risk?
Why riskt this game that they developed for 7 years to throw it away on getting messed up by hackers and cheaters.
For the first time I got doubts if I really going to buy this game. Seems the game will get messed up from day 1.