I must have done this 10 times without a hitch. Been away from CK for some time and know I'm dumb, I can't see what is wrong with this...
ObjectReference Property Xmark1 AutoEvent OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() Float fTime = GameHour.GetValue()If fTime > 10.0 && fTime < 15.0 ;enable pullbarXmark1.Enable()ElseIf fTime < 10.0 || fTime > 15.0 ;disable pullbarXmark1.Disable()EndIfEndifEndifEndEvent
Errors are-
psc(7,14): variable GameHour is undefined
psc(7,23): none is not a known user-defined type
psc(7,6): type mismatch while assigning to a float (cast missing or types unrelated)
I'm sure it's under my nose but can't figure it.
Thanks for your time.