scn RaestlozCustomIconScriptshort doOncebegin GameMode;if (GetGameLoaded) ; if (IsPluginInstalled "CustomSpellIcons.dll") ; if doOnce == 0 set doOnce to 1 player.addspell RaestlozSnowflowerMode SetSpellIcon RaestlozSnowflowerMode "Raestloz Merger\Magics\" ; endif ; endif;endifend
I'm literally desperate here, for the life of me I can't see why this script won't run. It is marked as Quest script, not object, not magic effect. Also, i tried to disable the checks and it still won't run.
CustomSpellIcons.dll is installed, because CS recognized it (and refused to compile when I, say, changed "setspellicon" command to "setspellco")
the plug-in itself works, because I load a save with my character still wearing an armor from that very plug-in; it's just that this particular code won't run
Any kind of enlightenment is very appreciated