Yay! :celebration: I must have missed this thread.
Congratulations on the website release

Thank you! I wondered when you would show your face here! I remember you from the old speculation threads.

Is this one of those F..ed up sites that make your mods live, like for ever.
Then I am not going to use it to upload or download anything from this thing.
If you look on Google you can find mods that I released 3 years ago.
Here look this mod up on Google:
"SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod"
Only TesNexus does it's job properly.
Obvious hater is obvious.
What do you really know about me and how I operate my sites before posting this? Kinda disrespectful...
P.S. I searched for your mod on Google and TesNexus had results in position 4 and 5... Oh the irony!
That's how the Internet works

Awesome idea. I love torrents. I will download some files and seed them.
I just found a provider that will allow me to offer direct downloads to everybody at ultra fast speeds (as in, I will be faster than any other site out there!), so I was thinking of phasing out torrents. However, I think I will still offer a torrent option for files 50 MB and larger since there seems to be a demand for it and the platform is already set up.

Sorry? TesNexus archives all its mods, almost all of them from the TesSource days are still on the main Nexus site. That's how the internet works, I'm sure there will be a delete option if you really wish to rid the world of your creations however.
Exactly. While I don't want to provide accounts on my site because I want the experience to be as hassle-free as possible for everybody, I am working right now on providing delete codes when you upload a file. If you want to remove your mod from the site later, you just enter the code you got and it will remove every trace of it on the site. You could also PM me at any time, send me an email or hit me up on Twitter and I'll do it for you. So i think that options won't be lacking!

You can't beat entropy. If you put something onto the internet, it is going to stay there, no matter how hard you try to remove it, because it's going to get spread around. It's a pain in the ass for modders, but there's nothing you can really do about it, so it's best not to worry about it. :shrug:
Just to give you an idea on how hard I am working at NOT being a pain in the ass for you guys in this regard:
- If a mod is deleted from the site, every single reference to this mod or it's files is gone instantly.
- If a file is removed from the site, it is also deleted from the origin server right away and the next time the cache expires at edge locations, it will also be gone from there.
- Files that are also served as a torrent are removed from the tracker at the same time as they are deleted from the origin server, invalidating transfers within minutes.
- I don't allow Google and other search engines to cache my pages at all, and the bot comes many times a day so if a page is gone, it will disappear from the search results within a day.
- This might be a hobby site for me, but I treat it with the same professionalism as my other sites. I will always be there to listen to feedback and change things if need be.
Hopefully, these steps are appreciated.
I also have a big announcement to make, but I will make a proper thread for it later today!