But now, strangely enough, I feel pretty good. I've shelved all of my other big projects (probably permanently), but I couldn't be happier about tackling other things. Smaller things.
This is one of those smaller things. I feel like sharing some of what I like to do to Morrowind to enhance the experience. The kinds of things that don't take weeks, but have significant impact on gameplay. Some of it may be enjoyed by others, some of it won't, but that's the great thing about mod packs: you can pick and choose whatever you like, especially in this case.

The following is what I have either done or plan to include (thus far):
hardcoe Mage Life, Part I: Removes the 50pt CE Spell Absorption effect from the Atronach birthsign, replacing it with CE Reflect 5%, and adding a daily power called Petrify, which paralyzes in 10ft on Target for 30 seconds. Makes being a magic-user much more difficult, as you can imagine. But, IMO, also more fun.
hardcoe Mage Life, Part II: Reduces the availability of scrolls, potions, and enchanted items that replenish magicka, across the board. Designed to go with the above, obviously, but can be used independently.
Lucky Thief: Changes the governing attribute of the Security skill from Intelligence to Luck, thereby enabling multipliers for that attribute. It also makes more sense to me, since getting past locks and traps with picks and probes in Morrowind is a roll of the dice anyway.
hardcoe Thief Life: Reduces the availability of lockpicks and probes, as well as scrolls and enchanted items that open locks, across the board. Made to go with "Lucky Thief", but works independently well enough.
Bite of the Man-Bat: Alters the "Wings of the Queen of Bats" axe and inserts it into the game. I haven't fully decided how I'm going to handle this just yet, but rest assured I aim to make this weapon as famous/well-used/a challenge to acquire as the likes of Trueflame and Skull-Crusher.
Lord Abothiss Returns: A pack within a pack, if you will, this mod gives the player the option of where the dastardly master of Deadworld shows up next, via a number of individual plug-ins. I had originally planned to do a Part II and III of Disturb the Dead, and I might still, but for now, this will just be fun, as well as good for testing. NOTE: Will not require Disturb the Dead, or the defeat of the Lord Abothiss found within that mod.
Dragon Racers: No, this isn't a dragon-mount mod. It alters Cliff Racers to make them not only far less numerous, but more of a challenge to kill, a real force to be reckoned with. My aim is to have it so the player dreads encountering them, not because they're annoying, but because they're scary, and they own the skies. Makes the whole "driving dragons from Vvardenfell" idea make more sense as well.
The Diary of Shangnam the Unstoppable: A book written by a male Orc warrior, chronicling his various adventures as they happened. Basically the idea behind it is to provide a kind of in-game, role-player-friendly guide to a number of legendary artifacts, Easter Eggs, and other secrets. Might even include illustrations.
hardcoe Mage Life, Part II: Reduces the availability of scrolls, potions, and enchanted items that replenish magicka, across the board. Designed to go with the above, obviously, but can be used independently.
Lucky Thief: Changes the governing attribute of the Security skill from Intelligence to Luck, thereby enabling multipliers for that attribute. It also makes more sense to me, since getting past locks and traps with picks and probes in Morrowind is a roll of the dice anyway.
hardcoe Thief Life: Reduces the availability of lockpicks and probes, as well as scrolls and enchanted items that open locks, across the board. Made to go with "Lucky Thief", but works independently well enough.
Bite of the Man-Bat: Alters the "Wings of the Queen of Bats" axe and inserts it into the game. I haven't fully decided how I'm going to handle this just yet, but rest assured I aim to make this weapon as famous/well-used/a challenge to acquire as the likes of Trueflame and Skull-Crusher.
Lord Abothiss Returns: A pack within a pack, if you will, this mod gives the player the option of where the dastardly master of Deadworld shows up next, via a number of individual plug-ins. I had originally planned to do a Part II and III of Disturb the Dead, and I might still, but for now, this will just be fun, as well as good for testing. NOTE: Will not require Disturb the Dead, or the defeat of the Lord Abothiss found within that mod.
Dragon Racers: No, this isn't a dragon-mount mod. It alters Cliff Racers to make them not only far less numerous, but more of a challenge to kill, a real force to be reckoned with. My aim is to have it so the player dreads encountering them, not because they're annoying, but because they're scary, and they own the skies. Makes the whole "driving dragons from Vvardenfell" idea make more sense as well.
The Diary of Shangnam the Unstoppable: A book written by a male Orc warrior, chronicling his various adventures as they happened. Basically the idea behind it is to provide a kind of in-game, role-player-friendly guide to a number of legendary artifacts, Easter Eggs, and other secrets. Might even include illustrations.
As I said, there will be more, though how much more I can't yet say.
What does everybody think?