I am absolutely DONE with being fed gameplay footage from the console, like with RAGE. Before my RAGE disappointment I always thought -- being obviously naive -- "The graphics don't look sharp and kinda crap, but I bet they look great on PC.". Now I understand why Bethesda and Id Software never had the guts to show PC footage from RAGE because [fill in the 200 valid arguments from the 2.000.000 raging PC gamers].
Now, I know that some people will wanna flame me saying that that's the precise reason developers don't show PC footage: Because PC gamers rage and complain all the time. That's an invalid argument. We only rage and complain when we're being fed another crap port. No complaining about Batman Arkham Asylum or Deus Ex Human Revolution, for example.
So, to the point: Can we PC gamers get to see some footage from the actual PC version of the game? After RAGE I no longer believe the words "On PC it will look better.". I need proof.
Are you guys with me on this or am I somehow the only PC gamer with this desire?