I am writing this in hopes it will be seen and additionally considered when the time comes for improvements to be done. Let me preface this by saying I am enjoy the game immensely and love exploring the realm you have created. However, there are a few improvement opportunities:
- Opt out: As a good character, I try to avoid all Daedra besides Azura and Meridia. Some of the Daedric offer you no choice, an opt-out that cancels the quest. Quests like Boethiah, where you are forced into it, really damage that roleplaying choice. I understand that I can simply never go there, but I'd like to be able to tell a quest giver "no" by words or sword to keep my integrity. The same goes for the thieves guild.
- I really enjoyed the ability to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood, I feel it would be nice to have something similar to enact justice on the thieves guild.
- More substance to the quest lines. While the thieves guild and dark brotherhood offered a decently long and engaging storyline, the College of Winterhold was particularly short and lackluster. You join, run a few errands, kill a Thalmor and then you're Archmage. I find this highly inappropriate compared to the work required in previous games to reach that. I understand that magic is not integral to Nord society, but the quest line should have offered more. I feel this is a great opportunity for DLCs.
- I enjoyed the quests for Kyne and Mara, it would be nice to see more Divines quests.
- It is rather saddening how little storage there is. What was the reasoning for having crates that are inaccessible? I would like to see storage increased in houses by having the crates become usable
- House organization. I'd love to see appropriate storage for each lab. In an alchemy lab, it would be wonderful to see jars, chests and several bags for storage. In a smithing lab, it would be appropriate to see separate storage for materials. This should be an apparent design decision.
- Enable all shelves to be stored like bookshelves do, being able to place all items within.
- As a smaller DLC, it would be nice to own a larger property with all crafting tools, organized storage and defense. I really enjoyed the Stronghold DLC for Oblivion and something similar with crafting implements would be a welcome addition
- As I play a cleric type character, I'd like to rely on this even more. To continue the anti-undead theme, healing spells should damage undead enemies as they do in DnD.
- Permanent charm animal, good for druid types
General Gameplay
- the ability to lock doors based on lockpicking level
- remove corpse. The citizens of Solitude are really tired of their front gate being a dragon graveyard.
- teleport scrolls. Possibly a perk of the factions?
- armor degradation, repair tied to smithing
- vendors who re-enchant (i've not seen any so far)
Thank you for making a great game. The combat, the spells and the overall feel of the game is absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to even more content!