» Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 am
What you need to do is take a step back and figure out what defines "evil". Look at modern society - how often do people get the label "evil" or "monster"? Not very, and it's almost always serial killers, mass murderers, and the like - art thieves aren't slapped with that label, and neither are soldiers (who kill people at the behest of their government), in most cases. Like I said, the rest is shades of gray - petty theft is hardly a blip on the radar, while stealing a horse or a high-end item might get you a couple "evil" points; assaulting someone rates a little higher on the scale, and full-blown murder (which the game defines as killing an innocent, not defending yourself against bandits) is true evil.
So, in effect, here's a list of the rough order of "evilness":
Doing daedra quests (the daedra run the gamut of evil; IMO, Meridia isn't evil, and Sheogorath and Sanguine are just plain chaotic, so the degree of evil would vary by quest).
Joining the TG and advancing through the ranks (though it's more "enemy of society")
Being a necromancer, depending on what you do (Traven's ban notwithstanding - consorting with the undead is generally an evil act);
Being a member of the MD, DB, etc.
And then we have the other random acts, which accumulate evil points on their own: assault, murder, theft, etc. I'm probably missing a few (I'm sure there are some quests that could be considered "bad"), but you get the idea.