How will your XP be calculated for kills? It it done on a final blow basis or a percentage of damage within a certain time frame and will assists (if you have them) give you a smaller reward? Yes i understand that kill XP takes a back seat to completing objectives and helping out teammates but it would still be nice to know

Still hard to tell, as various videos seem to show different implementations... Some seem to show an xp gain
per hit while others seem to give xp only on the kill, so it seems that this isn't yet set in store... Only things we know for sure are that the closer you and the target are to the objective, the more xp you supposedly gain, and you also gain extra xp if you're not going lonewolf on your own but playing around teammates...
Why has sniping been basically written off for cqc? Sure everyone hates being nailed from a distance but if you're not a light body type its not going to matter, its not like everyone can pick up a sniper rifle and be a 1 man army with it (it does require skill) and that said they're far from invincible with long range explosives not to mention people that sneak about and backstab you. All of the gameplay footage i've seen makes sniping look almost impossable :'(
The reason sniping's been nerfed as bad as it was is because sniping, to put it mildly, s****. While you might enjoy being a sniper, your targets when they drop dead without any inkling of what happened most definitely didn't like it one bit. Dieing from a shotgun blast, while usually instant, does leave you room for a reaction before the shot comes in because unless you're careless, you should have seen it comming. Same goes with getting blasted to death by a smg, lmg, grenade or whatever : you can see the hurt somming and react to it before it's too late. Not so with a sniper. Snipers leave you powerless to take evasive actions, and therefore make you powerless, a situation which
noone enjoys.
Will their be variations on your grenades like flashbangs, tear gas or smoke? I agree that nerfing grenades was good but doing it that harshly seems a little meh considering that they haven't been a staple of fps games, they were aweful in cod but if you weren't stupid you would either run or throw them back.
Who said grenades had been nerfed anyway? Guess I missed something :\ Other than 'nades spamming (since nades come on a timer, instead of having a set ammo limit) being out, I hadn't realized 'nades had been nerfed?
Will there be a physical representation or signage denoting what you can't do in relation to the SMART system? (obviously depending on your body type) i.e. will you have something to represent impassable terrain because you're a heavy body type. And on the subject of limitations will there be things you can do as a heavy that you cant do as a med or light body type? (other than the weps you carry and your speed)
I doubt there would be, and I think once you play abit you'll soon come to have a pretty good fealing of what you can and can't do anyway, so the extra clutter would most likely just ruin the game's look unnecessarily...
What (if any) armour penetration/destructable terrain does the game have? From what i can gather from the footage it doesnt have any.
While I can't provide a quote, it was said at some point that terrain penetration would not be in.
Will multiplayer defending teams have the option of pushing back objectives? For example take railgun on Wolf ET obviously you had the initial train to get to the explosives that could be pushed back but once you had the explosives loaded the defenders couldn't undo this. Yes it would make it a truckload harder to actually win but it would be a hell of alot more interesting

Possible? Most definitely, I assume, but it will all depend on the map design choices they do... Depends I guess on how logical that would be. For example, taking the example of container city, pushing the bot back wouldn't make all that much sense imo, except maybe if an operative were to hack into it.
On a side note, it's already been said that some maps might be easier for the attacker or the defender...