We need to find EVERY DETAIL of the new gameplay trailer, and post it here. And when I say every detail, I mean EVERY DETAIL. From enemy types, to races, to environments, to weapons, we will find it ALL!!! Well y'know except for the really obvious ones... i.e. DAT DWAGON IS A DWAGON!1!!!!... derp. Anyways this is NOT a topic for posting random stuff about how epic it was (though I must admit IT WAS SO EPIIIIIIIIIC!!!!!!!!!QDRRRRRRR TRRRR##$$$%%%%y%%555trt^%Tytyr AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!) Anyway post, share, and most important have fun!
PS this is my first time posting a topic, so tell me if I broke anything... unless I'd have to pay for it, those things are better left unspoken