As a PC gamer, are you satisfied with your purchase?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:47 am

As someone who has been a video game player since the early 1980s, yes I am satisfied. The graphics are spectacular, even when I've cut them down a bit, the fights are fun and the ability to scale difficulty on the fly is superb. Since I downloaded the game and didn't have a manual to RTFM, I made a number of mistakes and this forum has been invaluable. Once I figured out the leveling system it all started falling in to place. After numerous fits and starts, I managed to get a toon to 20 finally. w00t? I suppose. I am a tramp for trying out every class and combo available. This game allows an entertaining ease with customization options that made my head spin. I like the change from your standard "Go kill X number of beasties, get XP per kill, do quests that are the same quests over and over and over. Repeat".

All in all, yes I'm satisfied. HOWEVER:

- Quest NPC who path drive me bonkers, particularly when they path over what feels like a very wide area and you don't have a "target %mob" feature/command. Returning Aria's shield was a pain in the cheeks. Dot for her told me she was in with the companions, however I ran into every single room in their building and couldn't find her to save my life.
- Quest interface and descriptions feel ... Lackluster. Having to ask every single person in a city if they have something for you to do after other quests are done is a bit irritating. Having something akin to the WoW exclamation would be good.
- The UI is painful. Spell menu and item menu... Seriously, people put that much work into the graphics, one would expect more effort in the UI.
- Animations on dragons, people and some of the monsters is great. Animations on the goats, chickens, etc the same. Animations on the wolves.... Not so much. It almost feels like someone just said "screw it, we're near release date, just have them sort of lumber along."
- It is nearly impossible to spot enemies from any sort of reasonable distance. While playing a mage style, I often find myself having to dash back to a reasonable distance. Of course, since leveling up sneak, that's not as much of an issue now, however when I was first getting a feel of the game, it was a trifle annoying.
- Restoration tree and races that excel at it... Why? You're not going to play a healer, you're not going to be in groups. I don't get the point.
- Frequent crashes are beginning to get on my nerves. The computer I play on isn't exactly esoteric, my drivers are all up to date, but of an evening I believe I crashed to desktop about 10 times.
- Character creation.... Who thought making you go through 10 minutes of sitting and listening to people drivel on with the same dialog over... and over... and over, was a good idea? Someone with lots of time on their hands, I presume? I like testing play styles, I like trying things out. But creating a character is the height of tedious in Skyrim. Nice to give us story, bloody annoying to play. "New character. Game loads with plenty "BETHESDA". Now go make dinner, cup of tea, go out and get ice cream, get home and yep, about ready to select and name my toon." Not. Fun. No cookie.

Just my two... errr... OK lots of bits. Not saying I'm not enjoying the game, not saying it isn't fun, but I am saying well, I certainly hope there will be patches in the future.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:31 am

I can say this game is arguably the best I have played so yes I am satisfied.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:25 pm

Am I happy with the technical side of the PC version? Hell no. Where do I even begin?

- Graphical bugs (some so serious that it ruins the whole game experience, making it visually unplayable), glitches
- Really bad performance and using FAR from as much of the PC's power as it really can (for instance Skyrim doesn't use all RAM it can use, and it only uses a fraction of the GPU)
- TERRIBLE textures. The worst textures I've seen in a modern game, period. Higher res textures for the PC version? Haha. Nice try Bethesda. They could be from a 2002 game.
- DX 9 and that's it. Low quality shaders, outdated lighting, horrible shadows, completely flat textures.
- UI is bad and glitchy to use. One time you can press the mouse, another time you can't. It's terrible to switch between w,s,d,a and the mouse.

Also: That doesn't mean I don't like the game. I think this is the greatest TES of all time, and perhaps even the best game of all time as well that I've played. The game is so good that most of its flaws is forgivable, except for graphical bugs... those can't be forgiven. They ruin the whole visual experience. Make them go away Bethesda.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:46 pm

I bought this for PC and so far the game has given me 90+ hours of enjoyment, Yes the UI is far from good, yes there is bugs BUT the most important for me is that I load up the game every day and enjoy it. If I hadn't been satisfied with the purchase I would not have enjoyed the game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:40 am

I voted 'Yes', I am satisfied with my purchase. I'm afraid that I somewhat disagree with the premise of the original post - I don't think, as a consumer, that you can reasonably separate one particular element of the product you buy from the whole. Yes, there are elements of the UI that I think could have been done better - but it does the job, and isn't so bad that I feel cheated. Yes, there are aspects of the questing that feel somewhat dislocated, without enough reason, plot or dialogue to hold them together convincingly - but that has to be set against the joy of stumbling unexpectedly into an intriguing side-quest that would never have fitted into a carefully plotted and linear storyline. Yes, it would have been nice to have a game that was graphically as polished as the best games out there - but do they have an entirely open gameworld, absolutely packed with detail, incident and items to be plundered, or places to be explored?

My satisfaction as a consumer can only be satisfaction with the whole product, and whether it's worth what I paid for it. On the whole, Skyrim is. None of the glitches or quibbles with the PC version is bad enough to make me dissatisfied.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:54 am

As a PC gamer, I am very pleased with my purchase. Coming from a PC standpoint I have no serious complaints about this game, and I consider myself a critical but fair person. Since this thread was made with the intent of getting feedback, I'll share my exact opinion on why this is a good PC Game, and a good purchase in general:

Bugs - Everyone's mileage is going to be a little different on this one, but so far I haven't run into any serious bugs. My dragon shouts occasionally refuse to work, The "Murder" quest in Windhelm is stubbornly refusing to start, and I've picked up a stalker in Lydia who has developed an obsession of watching me sleep at night. Other than this my game has been bug-free, which I consider very impressive for a game of this magnitude.

User Interface - The user Interface does lack a certain amount of polish in regards to being on the PC platform, but in my opinion it doesn't do anything outwardly wrong and has actually improved from Oblivion. The on-screen HUD information has been shrunk and only shows up in the right context, which is in my opinion extremely important in a game that sells itself on immersion. Getting the hell out of my way and letting me drink in the world around me is more than a fair trade for having to be careful with my mouse clicks in the inventory or skills menu. It may just be my personal tastes, but the annoyances in the off-screen interfaces would have to be pretty bad before I would complain about them, considering I spend maybe 4% of my game time within them.

Port vs. PC-Specific Attention - It is true that this game could be considered a "port", depending on your definition of the term. And it is true that the PC version received relatively little in the way of "special attention" compared to its console counterparts. We were, however, given increased visual content (more flexible settings, the ability to adjust settings more freely, and higher resolution textures) than either of the other two versions of the game and will be getting modding tools on top of that. While the game could certainly push modern hardware more I am still looking at an amazing PC game which plays well, is fluidly responsive, visually impressive for its size, and has been granted special content / abilities / privileges over the console versions of the game. To complain that it wasn't given enough special goodies seems a little spoiled to me.

Performance - This game appears to perform extremely well. On my 4-gig, 3.2Ghz dual-core, GTX 470 system the game runs smoothly on the highest settings. I can't speak for other users, but people on comparatively weak systems seem to be able to play the game fine as well on lower settings.

All of those things make it a great PC purchase in my opinion. In terms of just a general game, I also feel like it's a hell of a value. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours of entertainment with a visually stunning world to explore with characters that I create and expand upon how I see fit? That's not the description of a garbage game, and something I would pay a lot more than $60 for.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:22 pm

Poll >>>> OP
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Jon O
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:08 am

I hope it's like New Vegas and a lot of these issues get fixed in a patch. Other than the various bugs and horrible console-ish feel to the UI I love the game as a whole.
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matt white
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:22 am

I think there is some flaws in this game. However, due toe the complexity and depth of the game I can easily forgive those flaws. The UI is the only grievance I really have that has caused any real annoyance. I've been dungeon crawling and I am amazed at how different each location has been. I have 50 hours and probably going to spend at least another 50.....if I look at it a the value per entertainment dollar I spent ($60) you can not beat that....and that alone is makes me more than happy. This game will be modded to death bringing even more value to it. I read over all the complaints people have and most of them will be fixed with a mod or two in the future. How many games can say they will be relevant for the next two years? Only one I can think of. Most of us will get our enjoyment and move on, the game will keep on giving with the large support of the Elder Scrolls community, which in turns lure even more gamers to give it a go.

I'm actually amazed games like ES still exist in a market place that currently demands an updated game, at least, every 1.5-2 years.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:33 pm

Although the UI is absoloutely awful, I love the game. And besides, UI mods are among the easiest to make, so that won't be a problem for too long. I'm yet to encounter any serious bugs and my framerate is always around 50 on ultra despite my PC being barely above recommended specs. Not to mention, of course, that the game is awesome.

Also, I noticed that while reading through the thread, pretty much everyone is being remarkably civil. Well done all.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:13 pm

I hope it's like New Vegas and a lot of these issues get fixed in a patch. Other than the various bugs and horrible console-ish feel to the UI I love the game as a whole.

See, this is, sort of, the thing that is irritating me about this forum. This, "OMG are they EVER going to fix it?" attitude. Name one single major game released in the last ten years that didn't require patching. The patches will come. The major bugs will be fixed. Most of the minor bugs will be fixed. You can't sell over 3 million copies of a game in one day and then immediately patch every single reported problem 24 hours later. These things take time. Be patient.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:45 am

I voted no. But that doesn't mean that i don't LOVE this game with a passion.

I love games, and i play on PC. So, i want to see games make the most out of the latest hardware.

I'm satisfied that skyrim is an awesome game,but knowing it could of looked Sooooooooo much better on the PC i voted No.

Imagine if this game supported the latest tech!!!! It would be even better.

But as usual, us PC gamers are pissing against the wind. Nothing will be done.

Same here

Thx for saving my typing lol
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:27 pm

Overall, yes - will be more satisfied when they've fixed some of the bugs (mainly the quest bugs where I've found items for people before they gave the quest and it's broken - will have to not pick up anything that looks like a quest item from my random explorations until that's been fixed) - I wish companions could be more characterful as well...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:14 am

Coming up for air... .. I don't have words to describe how Good this game is, its a dream come true for me. :celebration:

As for the PC package, I was satisfied. The installer worked extremely well for us, no problems on any of the 4 PC's we have in the house (wife and both kids play too :). I had to upgrade both kids video cards, but after that - its good to go.

As Bethesda games go (being a huge fan), this one only crashes once a day (if that) - a HUGE improvement over past releases!

I also love the Steam aspect of the install, that helped me it very smooth for us.

Alright enough air, back to Skyrim... :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:17 am

Overall a yes , bugs have to be ironed out and some of the graphics and animations could be a lot better. Some of the AI could be a lot better, I was upstairs in an Inn and by accident I hit E against an item while trying to read a book and stole something. I heard shouting down stairs like a fight starting as I moved into the stair well to go see what was happening, upcomes a guard sword out ready to fight saying I was to come with him for stealing ? Out of order , no way could anyone see me taking the item that sort of thing should be fixed.

Another one , I was out in hills walking along a road and seen a fight, trader being attacked I watched the figth the trader killed but the theif must have been weak from the fight and the traders horse killed him. So when both dead, the horses owner dead I went to take him and it said STEAL the horse .... the owner was dead should not have been a steal.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:13 am

Didn't even have to read the your post before I voted yes xD. 110+ hours of gameplay and there still so much left for me to do? F*** yeah I'm happy with my purchase. A mere 60$ got me more gameplay then most 60-80$ games out there. Hell I won't be surprised if I surpass vanilla oblivion (which I had over 500 hours played on). The only thing I can really nit pick on is some PC grx issues and a few MINOR gameplay problems which will be fixed easily with mods.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:01 am

Are PC Gamers ever satisfied? The only time a PC gamer actually likes a game is when the next game in the series comes out, then they say how much better the last game was. :celebration:

Oblivion was also a shoddy console port that was not as good as Morrowind, happy now?

The reason Skyrim draws so much ire is because it's an even shoddier port and even further along a path clear to some of us.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 am

Yes very satisfied. PC User. Only 2 aesthetic mods used.

No serious glitches. Quests all work. The ones people have had problems on even, I reloaded and they worked down both forks.

Only stuck physically a couple times early in. It forced me to auto-save and rotate regular saves constantly (also I've played with Bethesda since Daggerfall, (Elder Scrolls 1 which I was unable to complete because my Daggerfall game save corrupted itself) But now I go crazy over the sides of mountains with my horse in impossibly steep ways and no problems.

In Skyrim I am playing so far:
Level 35, Two handed warrior with smith-improved armor (no enchantments yet)
Level 15, Mage, Destruction and Conjuration, 1 handed weapon backup, going for light armor enchanted with minuses on destruction school

Mods used:
Skyrim Borderless (purely aesthetic)
Savegame Manager (because I swap between 2 chars and its too easy to overwrite saves of another character)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:28 am

Since this is a first-person game and can therefore only be played on a PC, it's beyond my comprehension why they even bothered to make a console version of it.

Because if they didn't make a console version they simply would not have had the budget to make the game at all. we PC gamers would either be left with no Skyrim or a much smaller but prettier Skyrim. Plus their many first person games on consoles that are perfectly playable.

I voted yes overall i'm am satisfied
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:12 pm

Because if they didn't make a console version they simply would not have had the budget to make the game at all. we PC gamers would either be left with no Skyrim or a much smaller but prettier Skyrim.

Yeah, that's exactly why there was no Arena, Daggerfall, and Morrowind. :whistling:

PC development is profitable, Skyrim sold just as many copies for the PC as it did for the PS3 if you take NPD's consistent estimates for digital sales in to account. The problem is that once a developer gets a taste of big money it's not profitable enough any more, just look at companies like Epic Games and Crytek, and then look at companies like DiCE, CD Projekt RED, and Bioware who consistently support the PC as lead platform.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:02 am

This game has already been more entertaining to me than: Gothic 3, Risen, The Witcher (haven't played 2 yet), Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2. And I enjoyed all of the above.

Of course I'm happy with my purchase.

There's no reason for all this prattling by the masses. It just shows that people put PC development on some unattainable brass ring.

When I switched from Morrowind on the XBox to playing it on the PC in 2002... I became a proud PC Gamer, but in that; I understand that I am now the minority. Oblivion sold more on consoles than PCs by a very substantial amount. I know Skyrim will do the same. I accept this and am thankful they'll let me mod the game how I want to.

I'm happy to see so much mainstream attention to my favorite game series. While I'm not happy some of the stuff has changed, I understand they did it to get a larger audience. And a larger audience, means more TES in the future.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:57 am

When I switched from Morrowind on the XBox to playing it on the PC in 2002... I became a proud PC Gamer

How do you call criticism of the PC version "prattle" and then go on to say this? Take the hint, you basically just said it yourself: Bethesda [censored]s the version that's not their lead platform at the time.

Morrowind was naff on the Xbox for all the same reasons that Oblivion and Skyrim are naff on the PC, they've just flipped the lead platform around. The only upside is that at least we could fix it ourselves, console gamers couldn't were things reversed. I guess that's Bethesda's business plan since Oblivion though, "[censored] PC gamers, we'll let them fix it".

Other developers can make a good PC version and a good console version of their games, why can't Bethesda? (This is a rhetorical question, by the way. I am not at all interested in some doe-eyed apologist fantasy put forward as a justification.)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:22 pm

This game has already been more entertaining to me than: Gothic 3, Risen, The Witcher (haven't played 2 yet), Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2. And I enjoyed all of the above.

Of course I'm happy with my purchase.

There's no reason for all this prattling by the masses. It just shows that people put PC development on some unattainable brass ring.

When I switched from Morrowind on the XBox to playing it on the PC in 2002... I became a proud PC Gamer, but in that; I understand that I am now the minority. Oblivion sold more on consoles than PCs by a very substantial amount. I know Skyrim will do the same. I accept this and am thankful they'll let me mod the game how I want to.

I'm happy to see so much mainstream attention to my favorite game series. While I'm not happy some of the stuff has changed, I understand they did it to get a larger audience. And a larger audience, means more TES in the future.

You're correct. But at this pace there would be less pc players buying TES games and thus Beth will naturally discontinue the pc platform and your modding tools(unless they manage to create one for console folks) TES(pc) days are numbered.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:59 pm

Yes.Despite all the performance issues the game is amazing and extremely addictive.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:44 pm

At this pace there would be less pc players buying TES games

Yep, that's why nobody bought Daggerfall and Morrowind. That's why those games offered no improvements over their predecessors. That's why Bethesda went bankrupt. :rolleyes:
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