All in all, yes I'm satisfied. HOWEVER:
- Quest NPC who path drive me bonkers, particularly when they path over what feels like a very wide area and you don't have a "target %mob" feature/command. Returning Aria's shield was a pain in the cheeks. Dot for her told me she was in with the companions, however I ran into every single room in their building and couldn't find her to save my life.
- Quest interface and descriptions feel ... Lackluster. Having to ask every single person in a city if they have something for you to do after other quests are done is a bit irritating. Having something akin to the WoW exclamation would be good.
- The UI is painful. Spell menu and item menu... Seriously, people put that much work into the graphics, one would expect more effort in the UI.
- Animations on dragons, people and some of the monsters is great. Animations on the goats, chickens, etc the same. Animations on the wolves.... Not so much. It almost feels like someone just said "screw it, we're near release date, just have them sort of lumber along."
- It is nearly impossible to spot enemies from any sort of reasonable distance. While playing a mage style, I often find myself having to dash back to a reasonable distance. Of course, since leveling up sneak, that's not as much of an issue now, however when I was first getting a feel of the game, it was a trifle annoying.
- Restoration tree and races that excel at it... Why? You're not going to play a healer, you're not going to be in groups. I don't get the point.
- Frequent crashes are beginning to get on my nerves. The computer I play on isn't exactly esoteric, my drivers are all up to date, but of an evening I believe I crashed to desktop about 10 times.
- Character creation.... Who thought making you go through 10 minutes of sitting and listening to people drivel on with the same dialog over... and over... and over, was a good idea? Someone with lots of time on their hands, I presume? I like testing play styles, I like trying things out. But creating a character is the height of tedious in Skyrim. Nice to give us story, bloody annoying to play. "New character. Game loads with plenty "BETHESDA". Now go make dinner, cup of tea, go out and get ice cream, get home and yep, about ready to select and name my toon." Not. Fun. No cookie.
Just my two... errr... OK lots of bits. Not saying I'm not enjoying the game, not saying it isn't fun, but I am saying well, I certainly hope there will be patches in the future.