As a PC gamer, are you satisfied with your purchase?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:52 am

Yes, cuz the only "problem" are little bug, and they r going to be fixed
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:34 pm


That's all I hear. Seriously people, this is TES. If you expected a flawless release with zero bugs and no complaints then you'd be clinically insane. The game will continue to improve for half a decade at a minimum. If you are not satisfied with this game go play Dark Souls. If you flame me for bringing that game up and say Skyrim is better then try thinking logically about whether you actually enjoy Skyrim.

I am personally satisfied with what vanilla Skyrim has given me so far. A number of entertaining storylines (especially MQ and the daedra quests), plot twists (TG&DB), and the game being graphically stunning are the main reasons. Esbern dialogue was a 30-minute fix and Vilkas wouldn't stop harassing me until I locked him in a cage (under Solitude), but besides those two bugs the game has been perfect for me.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:09 am

Hold on, hold on... people are saying they're not happy with their purchase because it's a console port? Erm... you knew that when you bought it, so if you're not happy that's your fault. And if you didn't know then it's still your fault for not properly researching your purchase.

And yes, I know there have been issues with the PC version, and that's a shame, but many of these posts are not whining because it's a bad port, but just because it is a port. Madness.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:04 am

Yep, that's why nobody bought Daggerfall and Morrowind. That's why those games offered no improvements over their predecessors. That's why Bethesda went bankrupt. :rolleyes:

Morrowind was the first TES game to come to the console masses. It was the last TES game that had truly something to offer for both platform. After that, the game has become arcady and Skyrim is the pinnacle of all that. There are more dissatisfied pc players than there are console players. The writing is on the wall.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:39 pm

while the game could have been something beyond this world if beth wasn't a svcker for M$'s money and developing the game for 360 first. but I get it money first, I would do the same if M$ was waiving those bills at me and slapping their name on everything with their huge install base.

I could have been totally 100% happy but I'm not(this is before today's wild .exe patch crashing fast traveling with the LAA app and high res textures, but i fixed that rolling back the .exe), and whats making me happier is these awesome modders who are taking the xbox out of my pc version by release high res texture packs for furniture, barrels,landscape etc. they make me 100% happy with my purchase.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:38 pm

Morrowind was the first TES game to come to the console masses. It was the last TES game that had truly something to offer for both platform. After that, the game has become arcady and Skyrim is the pinnacle of all that. There are more dissatisfied pc players than there are console players. The writing is on the wall.

Yeah completely agreed, except with what you said about Morrowind though as a minor point. It was [censored] on Xbox, barely playable, it wasn't popular at all.

But yes, the writing is definitely on the wall. TESVI: Assassin's Creed-type Action/Adventure will probably only sell on PC due to marketing hype and Fallout fans or people new to TES, just like with Skyrim. I'll be "demoing" TESVI: Hack'n'Slash when it comes out, if it's good I'll probably buy it for my Xbox 360 instead of the PC as Bethesda have forgotten what a mice and high-resolution screen are for.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:40 pm

The game itself suffices and suits most of my needs. But the product itself lacks considerably, it is poorly optimized, bug ridden and above all that; a poorly constructed console port.

Poorly optimized? Skyrim scales amazingly well across the board, show me evidence its not just a small minority with issues. (PS3 seems to have more issues atm)
Bug ridden, please do tell all the game breaking bugs you have found. (ive been playing for 76 hrs and have not found a single game breaking bug)
Console port, what do you expect? Consoles sales beat PC sales so of course they will optimize for that first, this is a company trying to make money, not some poetic artistic organization out to gift the world with amazing experiences.
Would you expect a Car manufacturer to make all there cars for little people (midgets) just to be nice?


Textures arent texturey enough, seriously if your enjoyment of a game depends on Utlra High Resolution textures then the Elderscrolls are not for u.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:33 am

Just to clarify, this is not another attempt to get people flaming about the PC version, rather to get a somewhat objective picture of PC gamers as consumers opinion. The criteria is focused on the vocalized drawbacks of the game being largely a console port, and as to whether you feel you have been done right or wrong as a consumer, with all things in perspective. This is not the place to complain about specific RPG elements, but rather the technical side of the PC version. Please vote simply yes/no, and then feel free to explain your opinion why.

Personally, I think all things in consideration, the PC version needed a delayed release date due to the innumerable bugs I have run into, as well as a completely botched UI. The graphical detail is certainly lacking too. I am loving the game nonetheless, however I do not believe that these are acceptable conditions for a game to be released as a full version on a particular format, and for this reason alone I am voting no.

I had a chance to play Skyrim on Xbox briefly during the launch party and the game looked fantastic on a 720p monitor. Later, when I was able to play the game at maxed settings with a 1080p projector connected to my laptop, it was absolutely breathtaking. And it runs much faster and much more stable than a heavily modded Oblivion.

I understand some felt that the UI for PC should be drastically different than the console UI. In my case, I haven't owned a console since the 8-bit NES more than 20 years ago, so I can only compare the UI to other PC games from the past decade or so. I find the UI more convenient and easier to use than the UI/inventory system for other recent RPGs such as Witcher 2 and DA2, and much more convenient than the UI for Morrowind and Oblivion.

With the exception of some hiccups with assigning keybindings, the UI works very well for me. Call it a console port if you like, but after logging about 100 hours since release date, so far I'm having more fun with Skyrim than any other game I've ever played.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:37 am

Skyrim scales amazingly well across the board, show me evidence its not just a small minority with issues.

[censored]. Skyrim only uses two of the four cores on my i5 2500k, it does some of the graphics work (some shadows work, etc.) on the CPU because Bethesda couldn't be bothered with optimisation so this is a bottleneck. Despite having a GTX 580 my frame-rate is dipping in to the 40s and 30s from time to time, I can't even turn off vsync because this [censored] game ties vertical mouse movement to frame-rate and too high a frame-rate results in a bug in which time goes out of sync with the in-game calendar.

So, please, don't give me this rot about it "scaling amazingly well". It looks nice enough but it's a DirectX 9 game running on a crap engine, and it runs like one.

Bug ridden, please do tell all the game breaking bugs you have found. (ive been playing for 76 hrs and have not found a single game breaking bug)

See above, RE: Time going out of sync. Game-breaking enough for me to wipe my saves and start over with v-sync enabled, which means I'm capped at 60fps now despite having a 120Hz monitor. Thanks.

Console port, what do you expect? Consoles sales beat PC sales so of course they will optimize for that first, this is a company trying to make money, not some poetic artistic organization out to gift the world with amazing experiences.

The NPD consistently estimates that digital sales make up 45-55% of PC game sales, if you take this in to account the PC version of Skyrim sold just as many (if not more) than the PS3 version. But your argument is invalid anyway, companies like DiCE and Bioware develop multi-platform games with the PC as the lead platform and still make lots of dosh, you might be happy to settle for scraps and make excuses for Beth but some of us find it less than ideal.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:33 am

I'm not having any huge number of bugs or anything, but I have to admit to being disappointed that it reminds me more of Bethesda's Fallout than the next step of TES series. I wish I didn't, but I keep thinking "I already played this game," and not even Daggerfall gave me that feeling.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:36 am

See above, RE: Time going out of sync. Game-breaking enough for me to wipe my saves and start over with v-sync enabled, which means I'm capped at 60fps now despite having a 120Hz monitor. Thanks.

The NPD consistently estimates that digital sales make up 45-55% of PC game sales, if you take this in to account the PC version of Skyrim sold just as many (if not more) than the PS3 version. But your argument is invalid anyway, companies like DiCE and Bioware develop multi-platform games with the PC as the lead platform and still make lots of dosh, you might be happy to settle for scraps and make excuses for Beth but some of us find it less than ideal.

Wtf? Why are you quoting things that I haven't said? There are two quotes there that I didn't say. Is that a bug in the Beth forums?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:15 am

I kind of expected it to be better than Oblivion when it really turned out to be a slightly prettier Oblivion in a different settings with new problems. I'm satisfied but not because of what Bethesda has done directly -- indirectly I'll be okay once the Construction Kit gets here. Bethesda still has huge issues with creating the game inside of their world.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:08 am

The game's well designed, and I think they did a great job. It's just a shame it crashes all over the ****ing place without manual fixes. And then crashes all over the ****ing place again when they release an update and rollback all the manual fixes.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:38 am

Yes, apart from the disastrous UI, I am very satisfied. Using a PC here. I had some horrid graphics issues with missing textures and terrible blurry outdoors scenes after I switched to the recommended (recommended in these forums) nVidia beta driver — I have a pair of SLI'd GTX480s but had to disable SLI. Digging into the driver's Skyrim profile, I found a setting that fixed the graphics.

As for the missing textures, I haven't fully tested it yet but I expect the answer is to free up the extra RAM in my PCI that until now has not been accessible by Skyrim. I fixed that too with a TES5.exe edit.

So I have high hopes now that my Skyrim is no longer super-blurry, doesn't lose textures, and CTDs are a thing of the past.

Skyrim? Fantastic!!! And 99% of the problems were in my own computer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:22 am

Wtf? Why are you quoting things that I haven't said? There are two quotes there that I didn't say. Is that a bug in the Beth forums?

Nope, I messed up and forgot your "[quote name='lorca' timestamp='1321906037' post='19386928']" was in my copy/paste buffer. I'll fix it. :blush2:
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Bethany Short
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:48 am

I am very satisfied with the game, my kid is obsessed with the game, and I'm sure future mods will tweak graphics and gameplay to make it even better.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:25 am

I think the game itself is great.

What I am extremely upset about is the fact that Crossfire is still broken. The User Interface is also a major PITA.

Skyrim is clearly consolized, but I still enjoy it. Mods will make it better in time.
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daniel royle
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:13 pm

Nope, I messed up and forgot your......was in my copy/paste buffer. I'll fix it. :blush2:

Jeez, for a moment I was saying, "I better cut down on the Ale."
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:54 pm

Jeez, for a moment I was saying, "I better cut down on the Ale."

Nope, just me. I have lost a lot of sleep to Skyrim so I keep messing things up.

(And yes, for my critics, despite my complaints I still enjoy the game that much.)
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Chloe :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:37 pm

Yep, satisfied. Of course there are still things that need to be fixed/tweaked, but overall, they're not things that would keep me from not playing the game.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:34 pm

Loving it. Only problems i have are ctds and some shimmering textures, which i can look the other way for the time being. Awesome game, completely satisified with my purchase!
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:15 am

I knew exaclty what I was getting when I purchased Skyrim. And I am quite happy with my purchase.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:35 am

In general, I have a huge number of complaints with this game (as some may recall), and yes, this game obviously could have used the minimal extra time it would have taken to at least give us the option to rebind all of our keys without having to dig around .ini files, or a myriad host of other issues. Then there's the other issues that should have been fixed from the obviously broken skills and the broken AI pathfinding and the so-shallow-you-wonder-why-its-even-there marriage system and many others.

However, as much as I have a laundry list of complaints, I don't regret making my purchase, I just can see many obvious ways it could have been better. And really, I half-expect of Bethesda that the game will only truly shine when mods have completely reworked the game to give me a true custom experience.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:14 am

Question should have been:

Did you overhype the game too much for yourself? Pretty much everyone who clicked No overhyped the game for themselves.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:14 am

As a long time Elderscrolls fan? Sure!

As a consumer, being shoved Steam up my ass? No.
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