Of course I'm happy with my purchase.
There's no reason for all this prattling by the masses. It just shows that people put PC development on some unattainable brass ring.
When I switched from Morrowind on the XBox to playing it on the PC in 2002... I became a proud PC Gamer, but in that; I understand that I am now the minority. Oblivion sold more on consoles than PCs by a very substantial amount. I know Skyrim will do the same. I accept this and am thankful they'll let me mod the game how I want to.
I'm happy to see so much mainstream attention to my favorite game series. While I'm not happy some of the stuff has changed, I understand they did it to get a larger audience. And a larger audience, means more TES in the future.
Well glad for you that you prefer crappy products, as long it sellls a lot...
Skyrim is not bad, but not very good either, still quite more enjoyable than oblivion.
Xonsoles are a definitive restriction., and aneway the company has already confessed they arent up totoday standart PC programming.