As a PC gamer, are you satisfied with your purchase?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:42 am

This game has already been more entertaining to me than: Gothic 3, Risen, The Witcher (haven't played 2 yet), Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2. And I enjoyed all of the above.

Of course I'm happy with my purchase.

There's no reason for all this prattling by the masses. It just shows that people put PC development on some unattainable brass ring.

When I switched from Morrowind on the XBox to playing it on the PC in 2002... I became a proud PC Gamer, but in that; I understand that I am now the minority. Oblivion sold more on consoles than PCs by a very substantial amount. I know Skyrim will do the same. I accept this and am thankful they'll let me mod the game how I want to.

I'm happy to see so much mainstream attention to my favorite game series. While I'm not happy some of the stuff has changed, I understand they did it to get a larger audience. And a larger audience, means more TES in the future.

Well glad for you that you prefer crappy products, as long it sellls a lot...
Skyrim is not bad, but not very good either, still quite more enjoyable than oblivion.
Xonsoles are a definitive restriction., and aneway the company has already confessed they arent up totoday standart PC programming.
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 am

I have had one real glitch which somehow by unorthodox means I fixed so no. The few times I have frame rate issues it never lasts.

I am happy. I do not however dismiss there needs to be fixes.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:50 pm


For A Bethesda game, I have had only one crash that I can recall, and the only bugs I did have were on the hiccup level and a simple reload resolved them.

Smoothest ride Beth made yet.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:58 pm

My game runs perfectly and ultra settings. My only complaint is for the UI and then combat could also be a bit more interesting. 99/100.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:16 pm

The game's well designed, and I think they did a great job. It's just a shame it crashes all over the ****ing place without manual fixes. And then crashes all over the ****ing place again when they release an update and rollback all the manual fixes.

Are you experiencing frequent crashing with the vanilla game?

In my case I've logged well over 100 hours so far and the game has only crashed three times. Twice when attempting to take a screenshot and once in the middle of a massive battle with multiple spell casters.

I'm not using any mods or the LAA patch and the only .ini tweak I used was the one to increase grass draw distance.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:02 pm

Are you experiencing frequent crashing with the vanilla game?

In my case I've logged well over 100 hours so far and the game has only crashed three times. Twice when attempting to take a screenshot and once in the middle of a massive battle with multiple spell casters.

I'm not using any mods or the LAA patch and the only .ini tweak I used was the one to increase grass draw distance.

If he has crashes without the LAA patch, it's probably because he's using more memory-intensive settings.

My computer is fairly old (I actually last upgraded it around when Oblivion was still relatively new, since I remember how I could finally crank some Oblivion settings up a little), so I have to keep my settings fairly low, but if that keeps my memory usage down, as well, it ultimately helps.

Still, I turn grass off by default since Oblivion - that grass was impossible to see over when I stealthed, but enemies could see me just fine, it slowed down my older system when I hadn't upgraded, and it makes it harder to find ingredient plants. Forget grass!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:02 am

You're correct. But at this pace there would be less pc players buying TES games and thus Beth will naturally discontinue the pc platform and your modding tools(unless they manage to create one for console folks) TES(pc) days are numbered.

I agree with you entirely. Eventually all games will go console, save the few big boys that corner their own markets. Zenimax Online Studios keeps hopes up for something TES related... but it's doubtful.

However, unlike some of the entitlement crowd that doesn't accept the trend; I accept that every TES game that I get to mod and enjoy ultra high graphics, is a gift. A privilege, not a right. Buggy or not... I feel this game is better than anything else RPG related on the retail market right now.

I'd still play TES on consoles, if that's all it was available for. That goes in part of being an Elder Scrolls Fan.

Eventually, when I end up having to play it on the Xbox 1440/2880/20XX, like how I did Morrowind at first, I'll think of it as another game purchase, not a gift. That doesn't mean I'll like TES any less; it will just mean that it won't as much longevity for me.

Bear in mind that I still play "Plain Ole' Morrowind" a few times a month, not out of nostalgia.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:08 am

I am very satisfied with my purchase. Yes there are a lot bugs, but you've got to remember this is a big game. This is the first Elder Scroll game to run smooth on high right out of the box.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:41 am

as a video game, i am happy with it. its a great game that will keep me busy for about 100 hours, with dlc/mods bumping it up depending on how good they are.

as a TES game, im VERY unhappy. i enjoy the complexity that oblivion brought. it was detailed, dense and fun. it didnt need flashy constellations for stats. it had menu's and drop downs. it was as simple as it gets and it worked well. i play PC games for a reason. if i wanted a console port, id buy a console.

beth sold out the pc gamers and went after the console gamers instead. idont blame them for wanting more money but i am a bit disappointed. this wil definitely make me think twice next time i buy a TES game.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:41 pm

Yes. It's a GOTY and lived up to all my expectations. You have to be a newbie to have not seen the negatives coming.
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Anna S
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:43 am

I voted yes, because after some community fixes the game works and plays great for the most part. I'm a little annoyed that some of the old issues from previous games haven't been completely ironed out like you'd think they would have been, but if they can't manage it in 10 years an extra couple months won't fix anything anyway. For the most part the game is very enjoyable though.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:38 pm

No, definitely not.

I have plenty of reasons why, but I feel like I have ranted and raved enough. This game was the successful failure for me.

*At least in it's current state. So much for those "squishing those bugs" and being "better at it" or those "on the fly" fixes. Yup, svckered again.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 pm

So what drawbacks do we have because of the evil consoles?


there are a couple of interface bugs...

that's unforgivable, I guess... because the consoles are bug free no?

Nope, speaking as a console gamer, Xbox360, there are a couple of bugs still. Or is Running Underwater normal for Tamrielians?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:21 am

No, because I'm still waiting on the Creation Kit.

Other than that, absolutely amazing game. First time since the New Year I've been into a game, and it's on its way to becoming an all time favorite.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:48 pm

Absolutely. I love perks over major/minor skills and as much content as I have I know more is coming.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:32 pm

I've experienced very few bugs. None of them I was able to recreate.

I base the value of a game purchase on the hours I get from it. Generally speaking, 30 hours is a good RPG. I've already passed this mark and I'm just getting started. So, yea, Skyrim is my best purchase this year. I'm completely satisfied. I can't wait to start messing with the creation kit. That's like having another game in itself!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:02 am

Just to clarify, this is not another attempt to get people flaming about the PC version, rather to get a somewhat objective picture of PC gamers as consumers opinion. The criteria is focused on the vocalized drawbacks of the game being largely a console port, and as to whether you feel you have been done right or wrong as a consumer, with all things in perspective. This is not the place to complain about specific RPG elements, but rather the technical side of the PC version. Please vote simply yes/no, and then feel free to explain your opinion why.

Personally, I think all things in consideration, the PC version needed a delayed release date due to the innumerable bugs I have run into, as well as a completely botched UI. The graphical detail is certainly lacking too. I am loving the game nonetheless, however I do not believe that these are acceptable conditions for a game to be released as a full version on a particular format, and for this reason alone I am voting no.

I've experienced few glitches and dispite a few glaring signs that it was a console port, I've enjoyed 73 hours of Skyrim so far. Plus, we are 11 days out from release, they have only released one small patch, and the next huge one is only a week away. I'll wait for that before getting all riles up and pissed about the game. They know they messed up in some areas, and they are aiming to fix it. I'm going to sit patiently while they do so.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:08 pm

I have no complaints at all about the PC version. I don't think I've had a single actual bug crop up in my game. I got stuck in the mountains once, early on, but I just reloaded, and Skyrim doesn't like it if I hit a certain peripheral button on the keyboard while it's running and requires closing the program and restarting it, but Oblivion was the same way. I've dialed the graphics all the way up and they look fantastic to me. No complaints about the game at all. A couple suggestions for changes for the future - or maybe even for mods or future games - but no complaints. Not about the graphics, not about stability, not about the interface - none of it. It's a tossup whether Skyrim or Arkham City is the best game of 2011 in my opinion.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:35 pm

Best PC game to come out in the last few years. Bugs have been minor and the UI is a mild annoyance that I know will get fixed with mods.

Game of the years hands down.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:53 am

Possibly my all time favorite game.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:00 pm

No, I am not satisfied.

Hopefully when the CK is out and the community starts fixing and balancing the game as it should have been by it's developers, then I might be satisfied.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:17 am

I'm over 60 hours in and still having a great time experiencing new content constantly. The game is epic, I'd play it with chopsticks taped to my fingers if I had to. The interface is fine, if you can't figure that out then you are mentally handicapped. What do you want, a big clumsy Oblivion interface that lags like hell when you open it? There are keyboard shortcuts for every page on the menu. Click i for inventory and its right there. Not a big deal at all. The game is better than Oblivion in nearly every way and Oblivion soaked up 1000's of hours with mods. Sure there are a few things that annoy me but not the interface, I find it an improvement to Oblivions, aside from you can't see your avatar. I don't miss the icons and lag at all, nor the clumsy layout of tabs and endless scrolling.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:46 am

No not really. The core of the game is absolutely great but quite a few bugs should have been fixed on release day. I expect to be satisfied after upcoming patch.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:12 am

I voted yes.

I'm not thrilled with the UI, but I can live with it until a mod comes out that changes it.
There are a few areas where it looks like the textures didn't load correctly (guards in purple uniforms, purple tents, a blue tree (that may have been intentional, didnt hang around to find out)). But that's something I'd expect with any new game.
I've only played 35 hours as of now, in that time I've only had 2 CTDs. Even those weren't to big of an issue since I save about every five minutes without even thinking about it.

There are some things I'd like to see changed in the game. Just a few minor tweaks at this point. But none of those have anything to do with which platform the game is on. If I had bought the game for my xBox and not the PC I'd still want those changes.

So overall I'm very happy with my purchase and see myself playing this game for several years to come.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:24 am

yes, but that does not mean that I don't think Bethesda needs to do a better job patching it so that the mouse actually works well with the interface... and this is coming from someone who never complains about interface problems. When I select a particular type of text it should select it and not skip over it. When I want to select Misc. it shouldn't back out of my inventory, etc.
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