This is clear evidence of the "vocal minority" since if you just read the comments through the thread it's about 50/50 with the naysayers being more vehement in general.
In my opinion, anyone who's "unsatisfied" with Skyrim either A: isn't a fan of the genre but tried it anyway, or B: had set up some ridiculous expectations.
If you've played any other Bethesda game at release, you know that Skyrim is BY FAR the least buggy one ever - yet about half of all the negative posts complain of bugs. There aren't many games that do get released and have fewer bugs. Some complaints are valid for PC users, such as the UI being made for consoles and PC unfriendly by comparison to previous games and PC game UIs in general. Fair complaint, yes; game breaking, certainly not. A minor annoyance at worst.
Bottom line - the game has a ton of content, impressive graphical quality for a game that we all knew was designed to run on PS3 and Xbox360 - and because it was designed thusly, it doesn't have requirements so high as to force out budget PC players, which is a good thing. It has more depth, history, intrigue, and sandbox coolness than any other game in the fantasy genre, ever. And only that last bit is in the least bit subjective.
"Satisfaction" is very much a subjective term, but you define the terms of your own satisfaction. I can say only this: If you find Skyrim unsatisfying with it's handful of imperfections, there is no game to date ever made in this genre that could possibly have satisfied you by the same standards. Some of you might say how you loved Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3, etc., but in the end if you loved one of those and not Skyrim, the only reason is because you had lower standards for that game. If you did look at it objectively, even in it's day-one state Skyrim beats every other gamesas game hands down artistically and technically.