As a PC gamer, are you satisfied with your purchase?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:48 am

I am very satisfied.

For me, the graphics are fine. The are nice to look at and I can run it at high with no slow down. I've had one crash (after like 6 hours of playing) and a few bugs....but they weren't that big.

I have more than a few stories within this game that have happened already and all were intense.

I don't buy many new games at full retail, but when I do I grade those more harsh......and this game is worth every penny.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:07 am

Just to clarify, this is not another attempt to get people flaming about the PC version, rather to get a somewhat objective picture of PC gamers as consumers opinion. The criteria is focused on the vocalized drawbacks of the game being largely a console port, and as to whether you feel you have been done right or wrong as a consumer, with all things in perspective. This is not the place to complain about specific RPG elements, but rather the technical side of the PC version. Please vote simply yes/no, and then feel free to explain your opinion why.

Personally, I think all things in consideration, the PC version needed a delayed release date due to the innumerable bugs I have run into, as well as a completely botched UI. The graphical detail is certainly lacking too. I am loving the game nonetheless, however I do not believe that these are acceptable conditions for a game to be released as a full version on a particular format, and for this reason alone I am voting no.

No. As a Pc gamer, I am not satisfied. My pc is just two-years old and at the time was a "monster"...and even now is pretty good...Skyrim doesn't make full use of its resources and gives me a choppy performance.

If it was a Pc game, I'd think it'd have been conceived to take advantage of some hardware innovations that aren't definitely "new" (quad-core processors, memory over 4 GB, etc...), which doesn't mean that it'd work only when such hardware "innovation" is means that the game would be able to scale and take advantage of them without having to tweak the ini file or patch the exe.

Given the fact that this isn't what's happening with Skyrim, I guess that the suspicion that the game was conceived to work on a console...and I'd add...on a crappy console (because a good console would not act as a old pc!)...well, I really hope the developers will patch it up and improve
the Pc game support, which I don't think it's such a huge undertaking for people who know where stick their hands in! answer is "No...I am not satisfied, but I hope my satisfation will improve, since Skyrim has a lot of strong points.".
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:20 am

Not came across a single bug on PC, the odd crash that was probably the many mods I have installed. Very Happy and have also seen and played the console versions, they have more bugs and look outright terrible.
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Rodney C
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:08 pm

I'm loving the game. I certainly feel like I got my $60 dollars worth and then some. I'm trying to not let the quirks get to me. The interface needs a makeover and the only graphical issue that can distract me is the low res shadows being cast by moving objects or the flickering flames of a bonfire. Having to tweak the .ini for practicality is silly, but it doesn't really bother me.

Overall, I've been utterly lost in the world of Skyrim since I've started playing and that's exactly what I wanted. I'll always keep my eyes opens for fixes and improvements, however.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:57 am

Well worth it , my daughter said her boyfriend bought the new Call of Duty and finished the offline "Storyline" in 5hrs .. I'm 88hrs into this game and 20 odd % done level 21 so even with the glitches of the game freezing and even a few crashes I still love it.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:05 am

I've encountered few bugs.

Anyway, am I happy with it as a PC purchase?
Erm.... Yes?
I've just started playing on a computer again since 4 or 5 years back so I don't see much problem with it apart from the interface.
I mean the interface is horrible and screams of consolization.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind that consoles get an easy to use interface but the developers should also have taken time to create a custom interface specifically for PC as well.

But if I'm happy with it as a PC purchase? Why shouldn't I be? I've spent 84 hours in the game that I bought for 400 kronors.
That the interface is bad isn't something I'm going to throw a fit over.
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 pm

I voted yes and cant understand anybody who didn't vote the same.

How can anybody complain when you exit a dungeon and see a giant being attacked by a dragon. Deciding to attack the Giant which then decides to fight me back. My partner died trying to defend me and the giant was now running after me as I was trying to hit him with my low level mage skills.

Running, trying to escape from the giant, earth trembling on my feet cause he is too close to me, running up a hill, waiting for my magicka to raise and finally turn around, distance being fair enough for me to throw two ice spells on him. How surprised was I when seeing the dragon crawling behind the giant and flaming him to hell. My two icebolt thrown together hitting the giant so hard he felt 20 feets over the dragon. I was so amazed to see that scene. The dragon already injured much by the giant, was now crawling fast on me, I took my swordn turn around and start hitting him, thinking I got him, he just grabbed me, shaked me and thrown me away like a rat... I lost.

What a moment, 90 seconds of pure delight, fun and fear. That single fight was worth the price of the game to me. A memorable fight.

Thanks Bethesda for such a dream game. Too bad so many people are complaining so much and just cant appreciate the vision you had for that game

(English is second language to me)

We are complaining about the fact that it's a bad Pc port...obviously if we thought Skyrim was a crap, we'd not be here...we'd be asking for our money to be refunded or do other truly nasty things (such has opening an "anti-marketing" campaign against Bethesda!)!

No...the game has definitely a lot of potential and there are a lot of things that I have appreciated of it.

For example, while the face generation software was a true disappointment for me (in Oblivion one didn't had to stick to the presets...there were a lot of options, levers and could tweak the character's face to your heart's desire...while now I am currently forced to stick to Bethesda's idea of ...let's say... "Redguard Barbie"!), there are things that definitely makes me think "WOW!"...such as the crafting and enchanting system or the way mosters and npcs interact...such as when, after being killed by those blasted giants and mammuths, I've reloaded the game...shot them with a couple of arrows and then lured them into a nearby castle guarded by bandits...mammoths and giants killed some bandits and I got the mammoth's tusk I wanted with no bloodshed!!'d have to be a truly blind really devoted fan to not recognize that the game is "unpolished" in some of its aspects, especially on the Pc port:

Why in 2011 a PC GAME isn't able from the start to scale to take advantage of quad-core processors, memory over 4 GB and 64-bit processing? None would ask to work "natively" in such way, but scaling to technology which is two-three years old isn't asking for the Moon!!

Why Jewelry crafting didn't contain all the jewels?

Why crafting left out most part of armors, weapons and arrows?

Why the concept of smelting or scrapping items for raw materials never made into the game?

Why I always always always end up being killed by a [censored] idiot giant, bear or wolf after killing that blasted dragon??

Bethesda choose to create a huge hype on this game...they sold off things such as "making the best warrior game...the best assassin game...the best mage game"...they said it was their aim, but when you make such public statements or statements like those one could see in the videos on the Elder Scrolls have to live by the expectation that you've just created.

None would bother complaining about a game which was an utter crap...however complaining about a game which was sold as a sort of "" and seems unpolished after such hype is absolutely fair!!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 pm

As a pc gamer, I am very satisfied with my skyrim on xbox360.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:37 am

I'm happy with the purchase...don't expect me to stop complaining though...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:30 pm

Once I figured out how to fix 99% of the glitches and DTC, I think the game is fine. Although, I was hoping for more. The character creator is a piece of crap. And, yes, I understand that Bethesda isn't big on character creation much less interactive companions and the romance options, unlike in DA:O. I suppose it is due in part to keeping the game "T" for teen. Because, it certainly isn't "M" for mature nor "A" for advlt. All that I can hope for is being rescued by the modding community.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:13 am

I voted yes. I am happy.

But that does not mean Bethesda can't do better with certain things.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:48 am

Many people with lowend people doesn't mean that there could also be an option for better graphics on highend PCs. But there isn't lowend or highend consoles, thats why they left the highend part from PCs.

lowend people

I think you may have found the real reason some people don't like the game. ;)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:32 am

The interface is a bit flaky but the good far outweighs the bad. Great game.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:07 am

This poll is not a very good one, because it only asks if you are complacent and would "settle" for a similar product in the future.

Am I satisfied? Yes and no.

-The interface is terrible for the PC, almost unacceptable and often makes you feel like you are playing with your toes.
-The graphics (not aesthetics, which are good) are extremely mediocre for the PC. Will be fixed with mods, but should not have to be.
-Numerous design decisions that were based soley off of the lowest common denominator, and those who would buy the most copies. (No offense to anyone who plays on a console, because I use them as well if the game is more fitting on them). The fact is, it was designed in an attempt to appeal to everyone, and not everyone wants to figure or plan things out on their own, and not everyone has time for research and feels that they should be able to simply "get to the point" right away. Sadly, those are not the kind of people RPGs were traditionally designed for, but since the consoles sell more units, that is where most RPGs are headed. I don't need my RPGs to hold my hand and highlight everything like it's Enslaved or Uncharted just so I won't miss any exposition.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:59 am

I am satisified with the game.

Though I am disappointed with certain aspects of the game, some of them due to playing on PC some due to compromises made to get the game to run on consoles and/or to cater to a wider audience. I can see how the game could of been so much better then it is, the areas that are poor are almost exactly the same ones that were problems in Oblivion and Morrowind (and pretty much every Bethesda game ever) but still haven't been addressed.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:42 am

I love the game, but I'd have a lot of issues due to steam. So I voted no. I wouldn't have before the patch that was released, but since that patch I have to vote no.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:57 pm

No, its buggy, jumpy and unfinished. Hate the steam crap, if I wanted steam I would have downloaded it and have it already just a trash program taking up space on my pc. I would have waited until Jan or Feb of 2012 to buy if I had known there were this many problems with the game or when ever the fixes are in place.
For a game of its kind and size, Skyrim is very not buggy.
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Jason White
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:13 pm

I sayd no because i applyed for a PC game and i ended up with a XBOX game.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:13 am

Ha. No. Not satisfied at all. Beth's QA is awful.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:11 am

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 pm

I can understand, if people are pissed about the bold kind of ignorance, Bethesda is giving to the PC community, who actually made TES what it is today (a lot of positive things in Skyrim and Fallout3 were seen first in Oblivion mods).
It's kind of insolent actually from Bethesda to obviously not even care about things like a proper interface for mouse+keyboard users. It's really just bold.

Still ... I can't understand, how anybody can not be happy with his purchase.
Even with all its flaws it's still a great game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:03 am

Im amazed their are PC gamers OK with being treated as unimportant. No, Im not satisfied. Bethesda made ZERo effort to use any of the PC strengths, even the UI is garbage/ Graphics are low res everywhere. Only outdoor areas look OK, interiors look grossly outdated for a PC game for 2011. How hard is it to make the PC use at least better textures? Modders can do it ina few weeks....... The only saving grace is they at least allow modding. But vanilla this is one of the worst console ports I have played in some timer. On top of that they game keeps getting dumbed down. No stats, less spells, no spell making..... Sigh.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:05 am

Yes, I am - I am having a great time with the game, not one glitch or problem yet. :)

On that note, closed for post limit.
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