As a PC gamer, are you satisfied with your purchase?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:10 pm

So what drawbacks do we have because of the evil consoles?


there are a couple of interface bugs...

that's unforgivable, I guess... because the consoles are bug free no?
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 pm

I havent played any of my other new games since I bought Skyrim, and I was on a roll and bought like 5 games the week before it came out. TES games are a memorable event in my life, ever since Daggerfall. I still have my windows 98 machine with Daggerfall installed and my last character waiting to continue that epic journey.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:09 am

Yes I'm very satisfied, but their are a couple of things I'm not happy with...

[1] WTF is my Creation Kit? I beat the game withen 6 hours after grinding to level 33. The main storyline is so short, including alot of other chain-quests.
[2] I have to save constantly because the game crashes randomly. Lowering my graphics gets rid of the problem, but no [censored] way would I do that for Skyrim!
[3] 1000 other things that require the Creation Kit to fix. So please Creation kit, we need it! :banghead:
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:31 am

Out just over a week and already there are mods out that just make me weep for console users. I will never be playing on the console until they have the ability to mod it there.

Yes I am satisfied and know that I'll be playing Skyrim for years.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:17 am

because the consoles are bug free no?

They used to be, then they got internet connections :hehe:
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:17 am

My game crashes to desktop at least once every hour and I've found some quest-stopping bugs, interface needs lots of work as well. Despite all that I think this is one of the greatest games ever made. I haven't regretted buying this game for a second.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:35 pm

Since this is a first-person game and can therefore only be played on a PC, it's beyond my comprehension why they even bothered to make a console version of it. Aiming with a controller stick is like combing your hair with a toilet brush. I've had a PS2, a PS3, an XBox360 and a Wii, and I've sold them all.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:25 am

Very satisfied. I've already put 100 hours into the game (and not even close to finishing, and I'm not exactly a slow player), which is twice as much as any other singleplayer game I've played in the last ~10 years. The few flaws that the game has will be patched and/or modded.
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:33 am

I am satisfied by the game. The game pauses have been fixed by a community sourced work around and the UI will be dealt with one way or the other.

Those are the only two issues I have with the game.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:31 am

Why shouldn't I be? The game is fun and very well designed.

Would I like there to be more features? Sure, but I knew going in what I was getting and I am happy with what I got.

I could make a rather long list of things I'd like to be able to do, and the things I think they might have made a mistake in taking out, but that wouldn't do much good at this point in time. There's places where this kind of feedback is useful but every thread in the the general forums shouldn't be filed with petty carping and people shouting their outrage because the developers had a different vision than we might have, or that this game is too different from it's predecessors, or some other niggling thing that some long time player feels was done just to piss them off.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:20 pm

Yes 100% but I'm NOT a fan of Steam. I had tremendous problems with it in the past. Keeping my fingers crossed it won't f*** up Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:46 pm

There are definitely issues with the game that need to be addressed but I'm still very satisfied overall.

I've already got my $60 worth in the 2 characters I've started. Totaling approximately 75-80 hours of play. I think I got 20 hours out of Fable 3.

I'm running the game on Ultra @ 1920x1200 with Shadow resolutions bumped to 4096, shadows on trees/landmarks enabled. I do dip into the high 20's at times but I'm mostly 30+, usually 40's for the most part. As long as it's above 30 it's fine to play. It's when it hits sub 30's it starts to get choppy.

Yup, best $60 I've spent in awhile.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:15 pm

I haven't encountered any game breaking bugs. The only glaring bug that I can think of encountering, is the Archmage Robes + Mask, No-Face bug.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with Skyrim. It's a very enjoyable game that has kept me entertained for hours and will keep me entertained for hours more.

Once the Creation Kit is released, I'll be even more satisfied with my choice of buying for PC.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:59 am

The only problem I have with the UI is that they enabled the PC to use the mouse. If they had of removed the mouse pointer interaction and went totally with keyboard/scroll wheel then I don't think I would have seen a single glitch with it. It works great. it is quick, easy to use, and the bottom line is that it works if you don't try to force your own preconceptions on what the UI should be on to it.

The only points about the UI that I would have liked are: Seeing the amount of items you already have, and more easily be able to see what ingredients do in the alchemy interface.

As for the other technical issues. The main advantage of the newer Directx versions is to ease the development process of NEW graphics engines. If you already have a solid engine that your team is familiar with, switching it over to Directx 11 is going to do you far more harm than good. It isn't some magical cure all where you just go #include Cool_stuff_and_Features and call it a day. It is a lot of extremely hard work for very little gain in the vast majority of cases.

For the crashes and stuff: I've seen one. None of my friends have seen any, and I've seen it installed one a wide range of custom computers. If you are having issues I have to question the following points: A. Do you meet min spec? In ALL areas? B. Is your system stable and clean? Physically and digitally? (Is your case full of dust? Is your system full of useless little tools? How about drivers, etc?)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:50 am

For 37€ Skyrim is one of the best PC game deals you can get. So yes, I'm totally satisfied with my purchase.

Still it's a riddle to me, how a long time developer like Bethesda can so seriously fu** up the interface for mouse+keyboard-users (and it's not even really good for gamepad either).
The shadows are another big not understandable dissapointment (and an obvious sign for "we don't care about the PC version"). Max resolution of the textures is dissapointing and not understandable as well (I mean, they most likely do have the textures in higher resolution already and only scaled them down).

I have to say though, I'm positively surprised by the overall performance and stability on PC. I heard about heavy problems from a few people, but on most machines (including mine) the game runs pretty good. Sometimes it crashes to desktop, but this happens only seldomly and usually a short time after loading a save game (so it's no big deal).
Also loading times on PC are very good for a game like Skyrim.

So even though there are some (for me not understandable) critic-points, all in all Bethesda did a good job on the PC version in my opinion.
In every case, the game is totally worth its money (even if you've paid 60€).
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:12 am

I have no complaints.

The game looks beautiful on Ultra Settings and runs at a high framerate on my 460GTX.

I can't wait to use some mods.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:10 am

There is alot to improve. UI problems, balance issues and bugs. All of these need some work.
That said I am still very satisfied with my purchase. (while eagerly waiting for the CK)
Even with the problems the game is very enjoyable and better value than most games.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:17 am

I'm 100% satisfied with my purchase. I expected there to be bugs and UI imperfections on release. Honestly if you didn't expect that for a game of this size then there is something wrong with your brain. Can't even say I've come across many bugs, very few actually in like 80 hours of play. I rarely crash as well.

Knowing what I know now about the game/bugs/UI etc I'd still have bought it, heck I would have paid twice the price. With the amount of hours I will spend enjoying this game it is easily worth that much money.

..And people complaining about graphics, you're not supposed to be inspecting rocks from 1 foot away, the graphics in this game are meant to be taken in as a big picture. And they look freaking great. Plus they will only get better with mods.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:57 am

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:03 am

Overall I am satisfied with the game. There are a few bugs here and there, like the Raldbthar gear puzzle resetting into an unusable state, and the annoying bear traps that reset Every Single Time you leave and re-enter an area. In my 130+ hours and 293 located areas, I have had very, very few crashes (6), and almost all of them (4) were in Bonechill Passage. Gameplay is solid, the game is beautiful and the soundtrack is simply amazing, probably some of Soule's best work (though GW:EN may still be my fav). Many of the dungeons are simply breathtaking, the most simple cave or grotto (let alone Blackreach) easily outshining anything Oblivion had to offer, with fairly interesting puzzles added in to keep things interesting. Initially, I wasn't a fan of the perk system, but the more I played the more I liked how the system was set up because it benefited a more focused character.

There are a few things that I was disappointed in, like adding blacksmithing but removing item durability and not having a way to create arrows (not that I'm ever under 250 of those Ancient Nord Arrows lol). The inability to easily manage multiple characters still boggles my mind. I also find it odd that for everything you go through creating a character, you never really get to see them. Waterbreathing seems to be fairly useless (though I haven't explored everywhere yet, so this may come in to play eventually).
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:06 am

I opted not to vote because neither of the black or white options provided reflect my opinion in any way.

Am I thoroughly enjoying the game? Yes.
Am I thoroughly disappointed with it? Yes.

I'm straddling the direct middle of being satisfied and unsatisfied.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:11 am

I opted not to vote because neither of the black or white options provided reflect my opinion in any way.

Am I thoroughly enjoying the game? Yes.
Am I thoroughly disappointed with it? Yes.

I'm straddling the direct middle of being satisfied and unsatisfied.

IMO, this means u r NOT satisifed , which does NOT mean the game is bad.

It only means that given your expectations, whether or not influenced by the extra-hyped campaign, you want important things to be fixed that you are counting on patches or the usual guardian angel, us, the community.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:40 am

Yes im satisfied! I only play on the PC. I simply cant stand controllers...

Annyway, what i look for in games is gameplay and that is exactly what skyrim focusses on, gameplay. You get lots of options a huge world lots of quests and story lines (even if they are small, i like em). Because i like gameplay over annything else i generally dislike anny games that focus on graphics. A high grahpics game is generally i big failure (ott requirements, bad gameplay, very short singleplayer experiences and a big hindrance in multiplayer where max fps > graphics). Because of this i realy like Skyrim. The visual effects are nothing impressive of itself. But all the little things add up and make it awesome. Like the northern light on the black beard mountain or blackreach. The butterfly's flying around and sitting down on plants. The reflections on your sword when you hold a lightsource on your other hand. It all adds up. And it all doesnt look very impressive on itself. Its all these things that kept me playing for over 75h and still noticing new things and seeing awesome scenario's that dont get in the way of the gameplay. Its just an awesome single player experience with just enough graphics to make it look good without ru?ning the experience

I do dislike the console interface, honestly, that could have been improved alot for the pc :S As for bugs, ive come across very few of them and my experience with bethesda games is to save often. So when it does happen its a quick load and redo. I was totally expecting worse here, so even this could be added to the good side :P
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Avril Louise
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:52 am

It's not without things that I'd like to see changed or fixed, but overall, it's the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:52 am

Yes. I am very happy with the game. I've yet to run into any bugs worth mentioning, she runs like a beauty on Ultra and I use a 360 controller.

I wanted the PC copy for graphics and mods while still being able to play it with the 360 controller. I got everything I wanted.
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Jack Moves
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